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"Okay we've been sitting here for a half hour and we've already drunk three cups of tea please just tell me 'everything'", I put my hands up in quotations as we sat down on the couch, they three were across from me. This couch was actually super cute it was long but then curved at each side. So they sat at the curve and I sat at in the long part.

"Okay..-", Elijah started.

"You need to promise not to freak out", Alyssa interrupted.

"How can I not freak out when you guys just murdered someone?! I can't believe I even agreed to come back into this house! I should be leaving right now but maybe the reason I'm not leaving is because I trust you guys.. I'm so stupid-", I ranted on and on.

"Your not stupid", Elijah quickly spoke up looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes I am-".

"No just stop I'll explain", Alyssa spoke up while trying to get a bit more comfortable in her seat.

"Okay I'm waiting", I put down my cup of tea and waited impatiently.

"We're.. Elijah and I are, Evan Is.. Well we are", Alyssa tried to speak but it was almost as if she couldn't.

"Can you give us a moment?", Evan looked up at me.

"I guess so... Just hurry up I'm getting impatient", I honestly told them.

The three of them walked outside.
I stood up and walked very quietly and slowly up to the door to listen, I needed to know what they were saying.

"We can't tell her, it's dangerous for us", I heard Evans voice.

"Obviously we don't want to get in trouble with Caden", Elijah responded.

Caden? Who was Caden.. Why would they get in trouble? So many questions I had.

"We have to tell her though, we can't have her tell everyone that were murderers", Alyssa stressfully answered.

"Well technically", Evan responded.

"Don't", Elijah responded.

"Let's just tell her the truth.. She deserves to know", I heard Alyssa say.

Before they can get back into the house I ran back to the couch and pretended I was sat there that entire time.

"Okay.. We'll tell you", Alyssa spoke up as they all sat down.

"I'm waiting", I sat up excitingly but scared at the same time.

"You have to swear literally on your life not to tell anyone", Evan spoke up before Alyssa started talking.

"Swear", I responded honestly.

"We are... Vampires", Alyssa finally let it out looking down but then looking up to see my reaction.

Vampires? Vampires? What! They don't exist there's no such thing. This couldn't be actually happening. I love twilight don't get me wrong and I've always wanted my very own Edward but not like this not in reality. Oh my god can they smell my blood, hear my heart pumping, did they hear me listening to them. There's no such thing this is crazy it can't be real it just can't be real they must be playing a joke on me.

"She's not responding", I heard Evan speak up but I was in shock I just kind of stared at the table trying to process everything.

"I think she's in shock", Elijah stood up.

"No she is in shock", Alyssa walked over to me and sat down next to me but I jumped away and stood up walking towards the door.

"I-i need to go", as I turned around I saw Elijah in front of the door. Wait but wasn't he just by the couch.

"Your not leaving just yet, we know you have questions that need to be answered and we need to make sure you'll be okay before you can leave, after we have confirmed all that you can leave", Alyssa responded from the couch.

I tried moving past Elijah, but he just looked deep into my eyes and said these words, "Go sit down next to Alyssa please", out of no where I suddenly felt myself walking over there I had no objections all of a sudden.
I still was In complete shock though.

"Ask any questions you would like to", Alyssa smiled at me kindly.

How could she be so kind. I mean for a vampire especially.

"Are you all vampires?", I spoke up after a long silence of me just trying to process everything.

"No I, Alyssa, am a vampire. Elijah is a vampire but Evan here is a hybrid", Evan smiled cheekily as I looked at him.

"What's a hybrid?", I asked them quickly.

"A cross between a vampire and a werewolf", Elijah responded for Alyssa.

"Werewolf?! What else exists that I don't know about?", I practically yelled and moved to the far end of the couch away from them.

"Vampires, werewolfs, hybrids, doppleganger's, witches, dwarfs, hunters many many hunters and many many more that you'll found out more about", Alyssa sat uncomfortably. She then leant towards Elijah and whispered something in his ear.

Elijah walked up to me and sat down looking straight into my eyes again,
"Your free to do or feel anything that you want you are completely free don't listen to anything I've compelled you with before", All of a sudden I felt the sudden urge to step up from the couch.

"You've got to be kidding me! Witches? What are hunters", I had to stand up I was in shock I couldn't sit.

"There are different types of hunters, there's hunters for vampires, hybrids witches even and obviously for werewolfs", Alyssa remained seated.

"I know exactly how you feel when I found out and then turned I was freaking out", Alyssa looked down.

"You mean to tell me your not born this way?", I yelled.

"No no, if you get fed vampire blood and die you turn, and if you're a vampire and get bitten by a hybrid you die unless the hybrid gives you his blood, werewolf bite you die, unless you have hybrid blood and werewolf has to run in your bloodline", Elijah responded for Alyssa.

"So you all turned?", I sat down finally but farther away from them.

"Yes, well Evan was born as a werewolf but got bitten by a hybrid and fed on a doppleganger's blood and turned into a hybrid.

I couldn't take this it was to much.

"Okay I swear I won't tell anyone but please just let me go I need clear my head I can't be here", I stood up and walked near the door but turned around when Alyssa called me.

"You can go.. Will catch up with you tomorrow, so sorry you had to find this out.. Take Elijah's car we'll find a way back", Alyssa smiled then walked over to me and hugged me kindly I kind of just stood there I didn't really want to hug anyone.

The minute I got outside I ran to the car and started the engine with the keys Alyssa had provided me with and drove away almost as fast as I possibly could.

I broke down into tears driving down the road.

"How could this have happened? This was supposed to be fun and now I know all these things that I don't want to know about", I cried to myself.

After a long drive of crying and over thinking I drove into nightfall and drove right past my house and towards the place I felt I just had to go to.

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