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I stepped out of the chemistry lab after sitting there for two hours and I realized now everyone had break for about a half hour, before I left the class Gina gave me some paper work which shouldn't be to hard I kind of enjoyed chemistry. I pulled my phone out of my jean pocket and dialled in Alyssa's number then added her as a contact.

"Hey Kylie", I heard her cheerful voice through the line.

"Hey", I smiled as I was walking towards the school door to step outside, considering most people spent there time outside on break.

"So where are you?", She asked.

"About to step out the door", I said as my hand was about to touch the door.

"Oh okay so once you step out you'll see a bus stop to your left just go there okay?", She asked me as I stepped out and immediately felt the cold air hit my face.

I started walking towards the bus stop and saw Alyssa along with two other guys. I was stopped by none other then the annoying Dustin.

"Can I help you?", I spoke quite rudely.

"No", He bluntly responded.

"Okay..", I raised my eyebrows and was about to walk around him.

"No wait", He spoke up and I turned around.

"I'm listening..", I folded my arms together.

"Would you like to go out sometime?", He asked looking deeply into my eyes.

"Like a date?", I asked confusingly.

"No not like a date.. Just hanging out as friends sound cool?", He raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh yeah of course", I smiled.

"So can I have your phone?", He asked reaching his hand out for my phone.

"Excuse me?", I stepped back a little.

"Just give it for a second", He leaned over and grabbed my phone almost in a flash which didn't give me enough time for my reflexes to kick in.

"What no give me my phone back", I walked towards him and grabbed my phone.

"There you have my number and I have yours.. I'll call you", He smiled and turned around casually walking away. I stood there for a few seconds just watching him walk away I turned back around and walked quickly over to the bus stop. Once I got there Alyssa was giving me this look.

"Can I help you?", I jokingly laughed as I sat down next to her.

"Dustin? Really?", She sounded almost disgusted.

"Is there a problem with him? I'm sorry I had no idea", I looked down.

"Not a problem", One of the boys said that was standing.

"Just that his her ex", The boy that was sitting finished the other boys sentence.

"Ex?", I looked over at Alyssa. "I'm so sorry I won't talk to him if that's what you want", I touched her shoulder kindly.

"No no I would never stop you from being friends with someone no matter the relationship I have with them.. Trust me it's okay", She smiled and hugged me kindly.

"Oh okay", I smiled as I looked up at the two boys.

"Oh right okay their twins, the one sitting with the light blonde hair is Evan and the one standing with the browner hair is Elijah", She smiled then looked at them, "and she is Kylie".

"Hey", I spoke up.

They both smiled kindly at me.

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