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"You ready for our Art lesson?", Elijah asked me after a long break of laughter.

"Yes actually I'm excited", I jumped up, hugged Alyssa and Evan then went off with Elijah.

"So our art teacher is very..", He started but didn't know how to continue and continued walking.

"Uh no what do you think your doing mister explain", I laughed while tugging his arm.

"Okay okay.. His very interesting", He said and continued walking down the hall towards the chem lab.

"Interesting in what kind of way?", I was really curious, we passed the chem lab and went straight further down the hall.

"He's a stoner", He bluntly replied just before we stepped into the room at the end up of the hallway.

"Oh.. Well this is going to be interesting", I said softly under my breath.

Once Elijah and I stepped into the art room I noticed it was a very large room, the teachers desk was to my left and then there were some long tables right in front of me just three of them put one in front of the other. To the right of the tables there was a medium sized area filled with different wooden stick things that had empty canvases on them.

Elijah and I sat at the back table along side many other students that I have never seen before but they minded there own business which was cool.

After a few minutes of deafening silence the door swung open and in walked a teacher. He looked like any other teacher would look like, he was wearing a plain white collared shirt and dark blue jeans. He walked up to his desk and started calling out attendance when he got to my name he looked up at me.

"So your Kylie Dawn?", He asked.

"Yes mr.", I replied politely.

"Okay well this is our art lesson", He put his arm art pointing to the art supplies.

I nodded my head politely as he moved on to other people's names.

As soon as I heard the bell ring signalling that the lesson was over I jumped up and practically raced out the door, don't get me wrong the art lesson wasn't actually to bad at all, we kind of just had to paint a few random things apparently to find our "artistic sides",

"So what did you think of the lesson?", I heard Elijah ask me as we walked towards the bus stop, the usual.

"It was interesting.. Not bad but not great either", I laughed as I pushed the school doors open and was greeted my the cold air.

"Today he didn't seem as high as he normally is", Elijah randomly said.

"Well maybe he's realizing it's bad for him", I replied optimistically.

"Yeah, doubt that. Especially since he's been a stoner since at least four years ago, hard to break a habit. You know like biting your nails", He pointed to his nails as we were about to step into the bus stop.

I looked down at my nails and realized I never even thought of biting my nails, the thought just doesn't appeal to me I guess. They were long and healthy. Which was good.

"Kylizzle baby how was art with mister mcstoner", Alyssa jokingly said as she hugged me tightly and sat back down.

"Interesting", I laughed as I hugged Evan.

"So it's April 26th you all know what that means right?", Alyssa spoke up as we all sat down.

"Yes of course how could we possibly forget", Elijah and Evan spoke up at the same time making me giggle slightly.

"April 26th? Care to explain to the newbie?", I pointed to myself.

"Okay so April 26th is the date that Alyssa here decided she wanted to come up with her own holiday, so she did, she so far has no title to this holiday so for now we just call it April 26th and we all go to her lake house and have a bomb-fire and just relax completely away from society and be with nature for the night", Evan breathed in deeply after his little speech.

"Oh.. So-".

"Your coming don't worry your part of us now", Alyssa saved me.

"Thank you.. So do I need to pack anything how does this all work?", I sat up straight getting really into this conversation.

"Okay so packing wise don't worry the only thing you actually need to bring is a bathing suit and the essentials meaning tooth brush hair brush etc. and how this works is, after school at around 4:30 we all meet up at the exit of night falls and Elijah drives us to my lake house that my parents got me when I was eight, once were there you'll find out what else happens. And then we leave there tomorrow at around five in the morning making sure we get here in time for seven which also means you will be dead beat exhausted tomorrow but great memories happen", She laughed as she finished telling me as much as I needed to know.

"Okay so I'll meet you three at the exit at 4:30 right?", I looked down at my phone as I got a text and heard them say yes and start talking about some nonsense that I wasn't really listening to.

"I'll be right back", I spoke up and they just nodded there heads shooing me away jokingly as I grabbed out my phone and called Arianna her text said.

Arianna: 'Call me immediately'.

So I clicked her number and waited for her to answer. After two rings I heard her voice.

"Kylie?", She sounded almost scared and In a hurry.

"Yes it's me Ari what happened are you okay?", I impatiently waited for an answer.

"No I'm not okay and I need your help immediately", Her voice shooken with fear as she spoke.

"I'll help, anything.. What do I need to do?", I asked her quickly.

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