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"Two months ago Alyssa came to us all with a problem, now this problem was complicated and she was terrified for her life-".

"What's happened to her?", I interrupted him on accident.

"Let me explain", he chuckled softly.

"Sorry go on", I blushed but managed to hide it.

"Okay, so she had gotten bit by a werewolf, now in her mind she thought she was going to die immediately but little did she know that she actually wasn't going to die. I mean it's logical to think that you would die due to the fact that if you get bitten by a wolf as your a vampire you should automatically die. But no suddenly Alyssa said she had this 'dream' where this man came up to her and gave her this drink which she thought was some sort of blood and then she was fine, eventually she started having these weird 'dreams' with this same guy. Now everyone was getting a bit confused. Eventually Alyssa decided she wanted to visit her witch friend, her name Is Brooklyn. And when they did some spell she found out these were not dreams and this guy was actually casting spells on her while compelling her, to confuse her. After a weeks time of research she managed to find out his name. Then one night she fell asleep and when she had the dream she confronted him and said his name out loud but then he just vanished, she then was stuck in this cemetery, and she had to get out of this spell or whatever he had cast, finally she managed to get out, that's why she gathered everyone last night because she wanted to talk about how she knows where he was taking her in these dreams, or whatever you would like to call them, now the crazy thing is I did some extra research and found out a few different things, this guy may be her brother. Now that's a whole lot more of explaining to do and I just don't have time for that but anyway I know thats still no excuse for me to lie to you and im sorry but please understand I didn't want to but I just knew that it would suspicious if I told you only half of the truth and im just so sorr-".

I leaned over and quickly crashed my lips onto his. I then pulled away and smiled as he smirked kind of looking a bit shocked.

"It's okay", I smiled softly.

"I promise I'll figure out a way to hopefully allow you to regain my trust", He sincerely told me each word.

"Harry, it's okay really", I smiled quickly and hugged him.

"I heard your moms leaving tomorrow morning, I can pick you up and we can go for breakfast?", He asked me quickly smiling.

"Yes, and yes sounds great", I blushed but I'm pretty sure he couldn't see due to the fact that it was pretty dark already.

"Okay I better get going", He stood up with his arms open.

"Yes", I stood up and hugged him passionately.

"Okay goodnight Kylie", He chuckled softly and left my room In a flash.

"Goodnight Elijah", I softly said under my breath.

I did my regular night routine and did not forget to unlock my door.

As soon as my head hit the pillows I was out like a light.

"Kylie? Kyliee wake up honey I need to get to the airport", I heard my mothers voice, I slowly opened up my eyes quickly squinting.

"Okay okay I'll be downstairs in five", I smiled quickly as she grabbed her things and ran down the stairs.

I stood up and went to the bathroom, regular routine. Once I stepped out I decided on my black Victoria secret sweatpants and my white short sleeved shirt with my black sweatshirt over it. I threw on my grey flip flops and threw my hair into a ponytail. I added my usual perfume and deodorant, then headed downstairs with my car keys and my phone.

"So what exactly is this business meeting for?", I asked my momma as we pulled out of the driveway.

"Opening up a new company", She stated.

"Ohh sounds interesting, well don't forget to call me everyday", I quickly poked her jokingly.

"Yes mother", She jokingly responded sighing over dramatically.

We both laugh softly then drive in comfortable silence to the airport. Once we got there I stood out of the car and helped her out with all of her luggage.

"I'm going to miss you so much", I heard my mother tell me as I closed the trunk to the car.

"I'm going to miss you more", I quickly hugged her.

"I love you Kylie", She smiled softly.

"I love you mommy, now stay safe and call me when you land?", I quickly hugged her once more then she headed off and I sat back into my car.

I looked over at my phone seeing I had a text from Elijah.

'Now?', The text said.

'Driving home now', I responded quickly then put my phone down and drove off towards my house.

Once I pulled into my driveway I stepped outside and back into my house, felt so empty, lonely without my loving mother.

*knock knock*

I heard someone at the door, I quickly turned around and opened up the door to see Elijah standing there looking perfect as ever, nice skinny jeans with a black v neck. Not to mention he smelt absolutely incredible.

"Ready?", He smirked.

"You are", I pointed at him sarcastically.

"Hey you look cute", He laughed as I closed my door locking it.

"Enough with the flirting im starved", I laughed as he opened up the door for me I stepped inside and waited for him to get inside.

"So where are we going?", I asked Elijah as he started the engine and we drove off.

"The cafe in nightfall mall called, Nill's Cafe. It's going to be our go to place now okay?", He slowly stopped the car at a red light as I looked at him smiling.

"Okay", I softly spoke.

The car drive was absolutely beautiful. When you drive out of actual nightfall itself you need to pass this wood area and then you get onto a road that goes alongside the ocean and then you reach the whole mall area, it's right outside nightfall but still considered properly of the nightfall area.

We drove into the driveway and stopped the car, we both stepped out rushing over to the cafe because of the rain. I loved nightfall always gloomy and rainy practically storming and grey just overall perfect.

As we stepped inside the cafe we were greeted by warm air, I shivered softly as we sat down by a table near the back right next to a window. It was designed like an old fashioned diner and just smelt like so many delicious foods I couldn't contain my hunger.

"What can I get for you two?", A very kind young looking women walks up to us.

"Umm I'll get scrambled eggs with some toast but please try to forget the extra grease on my toast", Harry quickly told the waitress.

"Okay and you beautiful?", She looked at me kindly.

"Thank you, and I'll get the Belgium waffle but no whip cream and the maple syrup on the side", I responded to the waitress.

"And anything to drink?", She wrote down what we had just ordered then looking back at us.

"Orange juice for me", Elijah quickly spoke up,

"Just a water thank you", We gave her our menus as she took them and walked back over to the front area to the back.

"She seems so sweet", I quietly said to Elijah.

"She's my grandmothers best friend", He softly chuckled.

"Your grandmothers alive?", I gave him a questionable look.

"Well no, not anymore. She's human so she died.. But that women luckily does not know me otherwise there would be a lot of explaining to do", He smiled goofily.

"Harry.. How old are you?", I looked at him confused.

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