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"So? What exactly happened?", Alyssa looked at me, along with Dustin, Arianna, Elijah, Evan and Sabrina.

"So as you all know by now I was in the mental hospital here for a little while.. Anyway there is this library there, and it's full of not only old psych medical talk but also loads of supernatural stuff so I sat on the computer while Sabrina over here looked through the books-", Everyone looked at Sab smiling, waving as i turned to her asking for the book. She quickly took the book out of her purse and gave it to me.

"So Sab told me that she found something I then obviously ran over to her but the minute I sat down and looked at this page I knew immediately what it was", I opened up the book flipping through the pages.

"Alyssa, you are being sucked into a demonic world by a sibling, if you don't break the curse soon you'll be sucked in", I then closed the book and gave it back to Sab.

"Fucking great.. And who is this sibling? Do you know?", She sat down on a rock while looking at us all, mostly me.

"Your brother", Elijah chipped In.

"The blood you drank was a demonic drink they had prepared for you which now-", I got interrupted by Sab.

"Allows him to suck you deeper and deeper into this..", She looked at me to finish.

"Hell", I said barely audible.

"Great.. Just great-", She then stood up from the rock. "Okay so my brother, whom I didn't even know existed, gave me blood that healed me but is also dragging me into a hell hole", She started pacing back and forth.

"Wait have you seen what he looked like? Did he give you a name?", I looked at Alyssa quickly pulling out my phone.

"No name, but yes I do remember", She walked over to me as I opened my notes on my phone.

As she explained every detail to me the rest of them were trying to figure out a plan.

"We have a plan", We heard Evan yell towards Alyssa and I.

I quickly ran over to where they were standing along with Alyssa to figure a few things out along with finding out there plan.

"Okey so what's the idea?", Alyssa spoke up as we reached them.

"You will need to lucid dream, which I know is practically impossible for vampires but one of us could get into you're head and make you lucid dream, once you've established that you will be able to imagine you're brother-".

"He's not my brother", Alyssa interrupted Elijah.

"Okay..-", Elijah looked over at me as if pleading for help.

"This man", I chipped in quickly.

"Yes, that's right. This man, so once you've imagined him he should appear due to drinking the blood, and then from then on we will send Kylie into there to help you get out, it will be tough really really tough especially since you're so close but with Kylie's help together we can help you, we will also be casting a spell on Kylie along with Sabrina's help so that Kylie can talk to us and hear us, we will be able to see everything and we will help you get out", Elijah finally finished.

"Okay wait", Alyssa and I both said at the same time.

"Okey you first", I looked at Alyssa.

"What do you mean we will get out?", She looked at all of us confused.

"Where we stand right now is where we will be once you begin to lucid dream you need to travel back to the last spot where you have seen you're brother in real life then the whole thing is broken", Evan quickly spoke up.

"And why am I apart of this exactly?", Don't get me wrong I wanted to help out Alyssa but at the same time I'm not a supernatural being I could die.

"So that you will have contact with us, otherwise we would know nothing", Sabrina responded.

"Oh.. Okey", I looked over at Alyssa as she weakly smiled at me.

"Don't worry Kylie we'll be fine", She put her hand on my shoulder.

"I sure hope so-", I looked back at Elijah quickly. "Wait a second, when is this happening?".

"As soon as Alyssa can remember when she last saw her broth- this man, then we can start", He looked over at Alyssa then.

"Oh great.. How am I supposed to remember something that was probably compelled away?", She sighed deeply.

"Look at pictures? Anything? Maybe Kylie can help? She's good at finding things", I laughed softly at Harry's response.

"What's so funny?", Alyssa looked at me confused.

"Nothing", I bit my lip softly looking back at Elijah as he smiled at me.

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