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"Elijah please let me go inside I have a friend to take care of", I half leaned over as Elijah held onto my arm not wanting to let go, he was giving me the puppy dog face which was so cute.

"Please?", He looked at me half smirking now.

"Fine", I leant over laughing and smiling as I kissed him once more. "I really have to go now, I love you", I pulled away finally.

"I love you to", he then walked off as I walked into my house.

"Where the hell is everyone", I softly muttered to myself as I entered my house, I quickly pulled out my phone and called Alyssa.

"Yo", I heard Alyssa's voice.

"Where the hell are you guys?", I sat down on my couch confused.

"Decided to take Arianna out for a spa day we'll be back later tonight, love you", She then hung up the phone laughing, I smiled as I set the phone down and turned on my television relaxing.

"Wow Kylie thinks she can get away with doing what she did, aw how cute", I heard a sarcastic yet familiar voice.

"Of course Dustin", I turned around to see I was right.

Suddenly he was right in front of me.

"Now now, you must be punished", He looked at me suddenly all evil, not at all like the Dustin I know..knew.

"Get the fuck away from me", I shoved him back quickly.

"You just don't know when to quit do you-". Suddenly he vanished.

I quickly out of breathe ran over to my kitchen and grabbed a knife ready to attack him in case he came back. Just as I grabbed the knife it got knocked to the ground, I looked up to see Dustin laughing at me.

"You can't hurt me", He started walking towards me.

I walked backwards slipping on some water and fell on the ground, I quickly grabbed the knife and jammed it into his ankle as I stood up and ran out the house, suddenly I felt a strong force grab me and I was back in my living room.

"Now I am done with you".

Suddenly I saw his eyes turn bright red, veins appear all over his face, he's teeth were growing and he no longer looked like my friend, he looked like a hungry human eater.

"Crap", I tried to shove him off me as I freaked out myself, out of no where I saw Dustin being knocked off me and when I looked up I saw Jarred, I immediately smiled and stood up behind him.

Dustin came smashing towards Jarred which nudged him a bit backwards which then shoved me backwards falling down and I hit my head against the corner of my table and passed out.

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