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it's been a year.
A year of Elijah and I together.
A year of being a vampire.
A year of insanity.
Where do I begin?
Elijah and I just celebrated our one year anniversary the other day, it was incredible. he took me boating and we got to grab a little snack, if you know what I mean.
I've definitely adapted to the vampire lifestyle.. took quite a while but I'm doing pretty well if I do say so myself. I've managed to completely control my blood lust and I'm good at disguising myself as a human.

"Kylie?!", I heard Elijah's voice booming from downstairs.

"Can I help you? I'm trying to write in my journal!", I jokingly threw my journal to my nightstand as he dove towards me into a passionate kiss.

"so what's with the abrupt entry", I looked at him as he settled down next to me.

"It's Sabrina", he looked at me. The second I looked into his eyes I saw a flash of fear but was quickly guided when he turned his head away.

"What happened?", I quickly sat up.

"Remember the spell we tried the other day?", He looked down at his fingers.

"Umm, no? we try thousands of spells all the time how am I supposed to remember a unspecific one?", I responded a bit snappy. "I'm sorry just please I'm scared what's going on", I apologized quickly.

"It's okay baby, it was the spell to try and break through to the other world.. well this morning I had some sort of dream where she was in trouble, it was all sort of blurry so I need your help", he quickly stood up grabbing my shoes for me.

"Yes of course, where do you want to head off first?", I looked at him as I quickly tied my sneakers on. I was wearing my dark blue jeans with my black sweater, my hair was thrown in a bun and I tended to keep it that way for the day.

"The cemetery, the little building behind the originals house", He started walking down my stairs.

"Ah the original place I see", I laughed softly.

"Good joke, awful timing", he looked up at me smirking.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs I looked around at the kitchen and instantly felt betrayal and grief.

"I'm sorry babe", I felt Elijah come up behind me hugging me softly whilst kissing my head.

"It's okay.. I mean it's not, but what can I do?", I turned around and looked up into his beautiful piercing green eyes.

"I love you", He stated.

"I love you", I responded kissing him.

"We should probably go-", he pulled away laughing.

I started walking towards the door when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into one more kiss.

"now we may go", he laughed as I smiled brightly towards him.

Elijah started the engine and we were off.

(Hello! It's me the author haha, I know I legit haven't updated this book in practically a year and in my last chapter I said that this was it for this book but suddenly the other day I realized how good this book was & how much I truly missed writing in it so guess what people! Ya girl is back! I'll try to update every single day! With much longer chapters then this I just wanted to get this chapter out already!! I love you all so very much thank you for reading!!)

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