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I looked around me and suddenly I was in the cemetery.

"Alyssa?", I called out. Kind of terrified without her.

"Kylie I'm right here", She quickly ran over to me.

"Okey we go to you're house now right?", I looked at her kind of scared.

"Yes.. Don't worry", She hugged me quickly then we ran over to the road trying to figure out how to get back.

It was abandoned, nobody. Anywhere. Completely alone and deadly almost. The silence was deafening.

Immediately she ran across the road into I guess someone's garage. She found the car keys under a bag and unlocked the car. We stepped inside and drove off.

"Alyssa can you tell me one more thing?", I looked at her as we drove, I decided I might as well ask her this now while we still had around twenty minutes to go.

"Of course", She zoomed the car fast.

"Why were you covered in dirt?", I looked at her cautiously.

"Kylie please can we not talk about that right now?", She made a sharp turn continuing to drive fast.

"Alyssa please?", I mentally pushed her a bit.


"Alyssa please?", I interrupted her accidentally.

"Kylie I ca-".

"I'm just a friend who cares", I interrupted her yet again.

"Kylie! Seriou-".

"Please?", I practically pleaded.

"I DUG UP MY MOTHERS GRAVE", She suddenly shouted.

"Oh my god", Was all that could come out of my mouth.

"The reason why, was because.. I don't know I missed her I was having a mental breakdown and next thing I knew I was digging up her grave, the second I realized what I was going I immediately put everything back to place", She gripped the steering wheel hard.

"Wait you don't remember how or why you got there?", I looked at her confused.

"No.. I honestly don't, you know me Kylie I would never do such a thing", She looked at me then quickly back at the road.

"Kylie", suddenly I heard a voice. A familiar voice.

"Hello?", I called out as Alyssa looked at me confused.

"Kylie it's Sab, you can hear me clearly right?", I heard Sabrina tell me. It was so weird, I couldn't see her. Obviously. But I could hear her clearly and kind of echo-ey.

"Yes I can hear you", I smiled.

"Sab?", Alyssa asked me as I nodded furiously.

"Can you tell Alyssa that the thing she experienced was part of her brother controlling her", I heard Sabrina tell me.

"What? Oh my god".

Alyssa looked at me confused.

"You're brother controlled you, you didn't dig up you're mothers grave you're brother did", I looked at her almost shocked.

"Who is this disgusting creep", Was all she could say. Understandable.

"Kylie are you guys near her house?", Sab asked me just as we appeared on the street in front of Alyssa's street.

"We are just about to turn into her street", I unbuckled my seat belt ready to get out of the car.

"Be careful", Sab quickly told me.

"What? Is there a reason I should be any more careful then I already have been?", I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Elijah told me to tell you that", was all she said.

I smiled. Softly, yet kindly.

"Oh tell him I say hi", I quickly responded remembering she and he cannot see me.

"He says hi back, now remember if you need me quickly just speak out I hear everything so I'm here", She quickly told me as we pulled up to her house.

"Of course", we then stepped out of the car.

We stepped into her house, I closed the door softly after we had stepped in. Everything looked the same just a little bit differently designed. I guess it was designed the way it was when Alyssa lived here as a young child, when this had all happened.

"Finally you've arrived", I heard a deep voice.

Alyssa looked towards the couch in complete terror.

"Alyssa?", I shook her quickly.

"He's here", She looked at me.

"Then why can't I see him?", I looked at her confused.

"She's the only one who had drunk the demonic drink", Sabrina responded for Alyssa.

"I don't know maybe it's becaus-".

"Don't worry Sab told me", I interrupted her quickly.

"Took you both long enough", I heard the same voice again.

Suddenly Alyssa's eyes flashed towards behind me.

"Alyssa?", I looked at her a bit scared.

"Kylie, don't move he's behind you", She kept looking behind me.

I completely froze.

Suddenly I couldn't breathe. I felt as if someone was wrapping there hands around my neck squeezing me. I started gasping for air but no air would come into my lungs I felt my lungs close up and there wasn't anything I could do about it i was waving my arms around like crazy; Alyssa was behind me fighting the air, whom was her brother.

Suddenly everything went completely and utterly pitch black.

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