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"Kylie", I heard Sabrina's voice from behind a few bookcases.

"Yeah?", I had been sitting at this table for a half hour just going through files looking some things up online.

"I think I found something-".

"I'm coming", I immediately stood up and tried to figure out where she was finally I found her behind three bookcases sitting on the floor surrounded by books.

"So here's what I found", I sat down in front of her and she handed me this really old dusty book I made a face as I looked at the page she was pointing to.

"Oh my god", I immediately slammed the book shut, I grabbed it and shoved into Sabrina's bag.

"What? What is it?", She stood up in confusion as I practically raced towards the computers.

"Come on Sab hurry", I immediately shut off the computer and ran to the door but just as I reached the door I saw the doorknob move, I quickly ran over to the book shelf where Sabrina was still picking up some books and I quickly ran to her putting my finger over my mouth motioning for her to be quiet.

"We need to get out of here", I whispered softly.

She nodded In agreement.

"Okey.. We'll just have to run to the door and pretend as if the wind knocked the door open", I look over at Samantha as she's smirking.

"Why are you smirking?", I whispered even lower then before just to make sure they wouldn't be able to hear us.

"they cannot hear us", She spoke regularly.

"You could've told me that earlier", I shoved past her playfully as we both ran to the door somehow we managed to get out and we raced to the car.

"Where are we going?", Sabrina asked me as she buckled up her seat belt and I started the car.

"Call Harry please", I handed her my phone as I pulled out of the driveway quickly going back towards the highway.

Finally after many rings Harry picked up his phone.

"Hey babe what's up?", I heard his voice.

"Kylie's phone", Sabrina joked.

"Sorry, okey so I went to the library with Sabrina and we found something where are you guys?", I quickly proceeded onto the highway.

"We don't have a library here that talks about.. Our world", he practically whispered the last part.

"I know Elijah and I'll explain just please where are you guys?", I stopped at a red light waiting for him to respond.

"Hold on", he finally spoke up, suddenly I heard Alyssa's voice.

"Kylie okay are you on the highway?", I quickly started driving as the light turned green.

"Yes I am", I speeded past a few cars.

"Okey look up 'Nalls Cemetery', were there call back when you drive In."

"Got it", I hung up quickly after that, "do you know where this cemetery is?",I looked over at Sab.

"Yes I'll lead the way", She chuckled softly.

Finally we pulled up, I quickly called Elijah again.

"Hello where are you guys?", I heard his voice.

"We're right outside of the cemetery just pulled up", Sabrina stepped out of the car as well as I locked it.

"I see you're car but I can't see you", He sounded really confused suddenly I looked up and I saw him.

"I'm standing right in front of you", I said through the phone.

"No you're not..", He looked right through me.

"Hold on one second", I looked over at Sabrina.

"The cloaking spell! We're still on it!", She quickly pulled her book out.

"Just wait one second", I hung up the phone quickly running over to Sammy.

She did the spell suddenly I saw Elijah smiling at me.

"Why were you two cloaked?", he laughed for a bit.

"I'll explain where's everyone?", I looked around Elijah.

"Follow me", He softly put his fingers through mine as we held hands and Sab followed along.

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