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"So you and I will be sharing a room and Evan and Elijah share a room cool?", Alyssa asked me as we stood In the living room to her huge lake house.

"Yes of course", I smiled excitingly.

"Okay so let's all take about a half hour to just relax and then two of us can go and find wood?", Elijah spoke up.

"Yeah sounds good, you and Evan will go okay", Alyssa replied while grabbing my little bag that I brought and I followed her up the stairs.

"Sounds good", I heard Elijah from the bottom of the steps.

The lake house on the inside was beautiful and just as I could imagine any lake house being, when you first walked in there was a living room to your left and a kitchen to your right straight ahead there's steps leading to the upstairs and behind the steps were two bathrooms and the basement.
Once we got upstairs there's a short hallway with a bathroom at the far right and a bathroom at the far left, four bathrooms in one house I know crazy. And then straight ahead were two bedrooms to the left was Elijah and Evan and to the right were Alyssa and I.

"So like our room?", Alyssa asked me as we stepped into our room.

It was really nice, it had two medium sized beds on each side of the wall a huge window in the middle and two dressers right near the door to your right.

"No", I replied bluntly.

"What?", She looked at me quite shocked herself.

"I love it", I started laughing.

She smacked my arm playfully as she sprung into the bed and relaxed.

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