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"Kylie?", I heard my voice being shouted.

"Wha-?", I looked up in complete confusion.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay", I saw Elijah standing in front of me.

"What... What happened?", I sat up, everything was very loud, I could hear everything. The birds chirping, a human breathing, the sun shined through the blinds as I got up I felt my skin burn I immediately jumped back in confusion, suddenly the human breathing got closer and closer to me, I somehow was outside and I was about to latch onto the women's neck when Elijah grabbed me.

"Elijah?! What is happening to me? Why did I just try to bite that women's neck, wha-why am I craving blood and why does it really hurt when I stand in sunlight?", I looked over at him as we sat down on the couch.

"Okey first things first", He takes the bracelet that he gave me off my hand and put some other sort of thing inside of it. He then put it back on my arm, "now you will not get burnt by the sun, you. Kylie Dawn are experiencing your transformation".

"Transformation?! What? How?", I started crying.

"When you hit your head you started bleeding internally, you were about to die Kylie! DIE! I tried everything I could but the last resort was to give you my blood, I had to", He looked almost guilty. I quickly hugged him tightly.

"What?", He sounded shocked.

"Thank you, I'm happy I'm alive and I'm thanking you", I kissed his cheek softly.

"That was unexpected", He remained shocked.

"I mean since I was a child I've been fascinated by all things supernatural that are actually real, so the fact that I'm a vampire now.. Dare I say it, awesome", I quickly wiped away the remaining tears I had from before.

"I mean you're going to have to teach me many things and how to survive and what to do but I think I can handle it", I quickly told Harry.

"I think you can to", He smiled as he pulled me into a kiss.

"I love you", He suddenly said.

"I love you too", I smiled.

"Let's start off our life together", He spoke up.

"I'm excited".

We quickly put our hands intertwined with one another and walked off.

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