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"What do you mean you don't want to miss this lesson, you said that as if there was something specific to this lesson.. Is there?", I asked Evan as we made our way down the hallway towards the art room but ended up taking a left which led to an outside area there were stairs that we went down and then into this door that then led to a huge room.

"You'll find out", He smiled as we sat down in some empty chairs along with some of the other people. The chairs were all in a big circle leaving a huge amount of space in the middle.

Shortly after many more students piled into the room along with a young look teacher who looked quite handsome if I do say so myself.

"Hello class, as you all know I asked you all to please try to make it to today's class because we will be discussion the big play, we will be holding auditions for different parts", He set his bag down near the door and came over to the centre of the circle.

"Now I heard we have a new student hear, Kylie Dawn. Delighted to meet you and welcome to our class", He smiled kindly as I returned the gesture.

"Excuse me sir?", I girl with light brown hair spoke up.

"Yes, Lillian", The teacher turned his attention to her.

"What is this play going to be about?", She asked confusingly, which I'm guessing was everybody's question.

"Ah good question, this years play will be the utterly famous Romeo and Juliet", He raised his hands while the class applaud in cheers and hollers of joy.

"Okay so auditions will be held Sunday all day so you can come any time between eight in the morning to six at night in this very room", He smiled as he walked over to his bag and pulled out a lot a lot of paper.

"Now I have printed out a little audition script for each character and there's each of these pages for all of you, you can choose who you would like to play practice it and then audition and show us what you got on Sunday", He smiled then started handing papers out to everyone.

"Okay now for this lesson we do only have thirty minutes left so I will give you this time to decide who you would like to play maybe if you're already familiar with the play and you already have a character in mind you can find a partner and practice your lines with them I'll be over there if anybody needs me", He turned around and walked back over to the chair in the front of the room and pulled out a book and started reading. Evan turned to me.

"So do up have a character in mind?", He looked down at the papers then back at me.

"Yes I do actually, I love this play so much. What about you?", I asked him excitingly.

"Not sure yet I'll think about it, so who are you thinking about playing?", He asked curiosity lingering in his sentence.

"Juliet", I smiled proudly.

"Oh wow newbie taking on a lead role, I'm impressed. Show me what you got?", He raised his eyebrows as he asked me the question.

"Yes of course", I looked through the papers to find Julie's audition script and stood up next to Evan as he pulled out the Romeo script and we acted out a scene together. He was not planning on playing Romeo but for my sake he went along with it and played him.

Once I felt as if we had gone over the script a billion times the teacher dismissed us, I folded all my papers into my bag and walked out along with Evan by my side. Just as I reached the school doors I remembered what Ari had asked me to do.

"Oh Evan I forgot my notebook back in class you head home I'll see you three later on", I hugged him and pretended to run back to the class, once I heard the school door closed I immediately ran over to the principals office I saw that he has just stood out to go the bathroom.. It was now or never.

I quickly sprinted into his office rushing over to the students files breathing heavily terrified somebody or the principal himself may catch me. I searched for the letter D and finally found Dustin I grabbed him folder and slammed it open onto the principals desk, I quickly looked for the letter K like ari told me and took out my phone I snapped a photo and shut it closed and shoved it back to its rightful area just as I turned around about to leave I heard the bathroom door open I panicked and ran under his desk. I mentally slapped myself in the face I could've just said I was waiting to ask him a question but no I had to hide under his desk. So smart Kylie so incredibly smart.

I heard footsteps slowly walk over to the front of the desk I put my hand over my mouth helping me from panicking.

"What are you doing here?", I heard a shocked voice, my eyes popped out of my head and I felt hot immediately I started sweating.

"Sorry I was wondering if you could sign detention slip showing that I stayed", I heard a familiar voice, and breathed deeply thankful to God that the principal did not notice me.

After some silence I heard the familiar voice again, "you know actually there's this book I need from the chem lab but it's locked could you be so ever kind and get me that book it's on the first desk to your left", The principal agreed and I heard nothing but for only a few short seconds suddenly I saw a face pop up and giving me his hand helping me up from under the table.

"What do you think your doing", Once I got up I saw it was Dustin.

"N-nothing just dropped a piece of gum", I nervously replied.

"Okay.. Well I lied to the principal and he'll be back any minute so you should probably get going", He laughed and pointed to the door.

"Right.. Thank you by the way", I smiled as I walked out but then quickly poked my head back in, "how did you know I was under there?", I questioned him.

"Your shoe was poking out from under the table", He laughed.

"How did the principal not see it then?", I stepped back into the room.

"Bad eye sight?", He shrugged.

"Okay.. Well thank you again, I need to get going though", I smiled and walked out.

As I stepped out of the school grounds I pulled out my phone and looked at the photo I had taken and I was completely taken back and I felt sick and shocked.

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