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Sabrina and I stood by the door to our room making sure none of the nurses were nearby.

"You sure about this?", Sabrina looked at me cautiously as I nodded my head vigorously.

"You remember the plan right?", I quickly asked her again before we stepped out.

"Yes as you've repeated quite a bit already, we leave the room after the nurses say 'goodnight' and we sneak down to the to the nurses room because there's a library behind the room and computers, or so you've heard, we get to the computers and look up about witches and seeing dead people because you apparently think I'm a witch like those totally exist", She laughed at the end of that sentence as if it were to be a real joke.

"Okay seems to be just about right", I smiled proudly.

"Okay all clear", She smiled deviously as we stepped out the room towards the nurses desk which was right in front of the office as we got towards the desk we quietly looked around the hall to see no one there we quickly shared a few quiet giggles then continued on our way.

We stepped behind the desk and into the nurses room office, whatever it was called. And went behind there into the room, and we saw loads of shelves along with many many different books regarding many different subjects, many about mental patients/there stories or experiments they've tried in 1913's 1920's even.

Behind all the book shelves were placed two computers, one really old one. One new. We quickly sat down in front of the older computer thinking that it may have more information in its files possibly.

"Okay what exactly do we look for?", Sabrina quickly asked me as I stepped in front of her and sat in front of the computer.

"Well don't check the internet yet.. Actually we don't have all the time in the world so you go on the newer computer look up on the internet different facts or questions you have and I'll look through these old files okay?", I smiled at my plan she nodded her head and quickly went to the Internet.

I turned my head to the old computer and clicked on the 'my computer' file to find billions of different files.

There was one in specific that stood out so I decided to click on that one.

"Extraordinary bite marks side effects include feeling-".

"Your talking", Sabrina quickly pointed out as I shut my mouth and stared at this file in confusion.

"Hey how long have vampires been around?", I looked over at Sabrina.

"I don't know check the books I mean we are in a library", She pointed behind her as her focus went back to the computer.

I stood up from the computer and went to the bookshelf of random stuff. I didn't exactly know what i was looking for but I just looked for something that would catch my eye. I found a very old and dusty brown journal looking book stuck in between a vegan cookbook and a global world type book.

I picked it up and sat on a beanie right under a window towards the edge of this large room.

'Today was so weird.
I didn't mean for all this to happen.
As a newbie it's quite tough to rearrange yourself to this world.
Yes maybe checking myself into this place wasn't the smartest of my choices.
I've been forced towards electro shock therapy twice.
Hated it-'.

This was someone's journal from a long long time ago.

"Kylie?", I looked up to see Sabrina looking quite scared.

"What's up?", I stood up while shoving the journal into my my pocket. The robes they had here had really huge pockets I didn't exactly get why.

"I think I'm a witch", She stepped back and suddenly put her hand up while there was a pencil on the floor she closed her eyes and started concentrating hard. Suddenly the pencil started floating. In mid air.

"Oh my god", I was in complete and utter shock.

"I learnt this just now it's so easy.. Kylie I'm a witch im not insane like they think I am", She ran up to me and hugged me excitingly.

"Okay, so my guess is your going to get out of here next week?", I looked up at her.

"Yes immediately.. Kylie please leave you don't belong here", She stood there looking straight into my eyes.

"You don't live on this planet to tell me what to do, do you? No. So just butt out", I quickly walked past her quite harshly shoving her shoulder and walking out the library back to our room.

The minute I was back into our room I sat down in my bed and pulled the journal back out.

'I just hope one day I can help other newbie vampires going through this exact thing-'.

"Excuse me?", I heard a deep voice yet familiar voice behind me.

I quickly turned around from my bed and practically felt all the air being sucked out of my body.

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