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"I need you to break into the principals office for me".

"What? No way in hell am I doing that! Ari I could get expelled on my first day!", I practically yelled at her.

"Listen Kylie I know this makes no sense and I wish I could tell you what's going on but please I need your help", She was practically begging me.

"Okay.. Fine, what do I need to get?", I knew this was stupid for me to give in, but I've known Ari for years if she needed my help I'll do anything.

"I need you to get into his office and look through the students files, look specifically for Dustin Grey okay? Once you find his folder, they'll be little stickers attached to the side of the folder with different letters on it, go to letter K and take a picture of it on your phone then send it to me okay?", She quickly told me.

"Okay okay.. How do I get into his office?", I asked her nervously.

"You can-", I heard some rustling through the line then complete silence.

"Hello?", I spoke up.

"Ari? Hello?", I waited for a reply.

"Sorry look your smart I know you can figure this out just please quickly", She was now whispering.

"Okay I'll do it after school.. But one thing in return", I said.

"Anything", Was her immediate response.

"You have to tell me everything that's going on", I looked back at Elijah, Evan and Alyssa noticing they were deep into there own conversation.

"Kylie I can't", She sounded a little sad.

"Then I'm not doing this I'm sorry I want to know what's going on", I stood my ground.

"Kylie please I need to go", She sounded quite frightened.

"Fine.. But I'm not liking this one bit", I hung up annoyed before she could respond. I put my phone back into my pocket and stopped midway just before reaching the bus stop. Dustin, what did Ari want Dustin's files for? So many questions that just needed to be answered.

"What took you so long?", Alyssa asked me as I stepped In.

"My mom needs to pick up some groceries after school", I lied. I hated lying but I needed to make sure Ari was safe before I opened up my mouth about anything. Not that I knew much anyway.

"Oh okay", Alyssa smiled and continued talking about April 26th which to be completely honest I was starting to get excited for.

As I looked down at my phone I saw it was time for my drama class which I then remembered Evan was with me.

"Evan we better head off to drama class", I spoke up as they were all talking about something but I was spacing out.

"Oh your right, don't want to be late for this lesson", He smiled and hugged Alyssa and Elijah, as did I. And we walked off into the school.

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