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I had spent half the night bawling my eyes out. I hadn't expected what happened to effect me so harshly but it had. I stood up from my bed and quickly made my way over to my bathroom to freshen up. Once I was done with that I decided to just remain in my sweats today, it wasn't like I wanted to go out. It was Sunday, everyone that I knew here went behind my back last night. I decided to just relax on my bed, I heard my phone ding at least 25 times but I ignored it each time. I did not want to see Elijah's name or anyone else's on my phone screen right now.

"Kylie?", I looked away from my television to find my mother standing by the door.

"Oh yes, hi mommy", I stood up and hugged her quickly, I felt like I hadn't seen her in forever.

"I have news for you", she said quickly. I sat back down on my bed as she stood by my door, not far but not close either.

"Okay.. What's up?", I hoped it wouldn't be anything bad.

"I'm going on a business trip-".

"Mom it's okay", I stopped her before she could continue.

"No darling im sorry, we just moved here and I promised to stop with all these business trips, so I'm sorry but we need the money", She sat down on my bed.

"Mom, I said it's okay. I understand why you need to do this and it's okay.. Really it is", I smiled kindly.

"Umm?", was all that came out of her mouth.

"Umm?", I responded questionably.

"How did I get this amazing unique loving daughter", She laughed softly as she hugged me.

"Easy-", I pulled away from the hug. "You and dad had sex, I then grew as a fetus inside your stomach and then boom I popped out of your vagina and here I am now", I immediately burst into a fit of laughter.

"As I said before.. Unique", She stood up laughing and shaking her head.

"So when are you leaving?", I quickly asked her before she left my room.

"Well I'm leaving tomorrow morning, which I was wondering if you could drive me to the airport and I'll be back hopefully Thursday in the afternoon", She finished her sentence.

"Yes of course I'll drive you, and you better get packing I'll make dinner", I smiled quickly and lied back down on my comfortable bed as she stepped out of my room.

After 30 more dings and my annoyance rising, I picked my phone up and shut it off without even looking at anything on the screen. As I put my phone down I looked over at the clock on my ceiling and saw it was already five, I got up from my bed and turned off the television as I made my way downstairs to prepare dinner. I decided pancakes, hey who doesn't love breakfast for dinner anyway.

I immediately started off with the recipe which I decided to use a boxed already made pancake mix due to laziness. As I mixed all the products together I heated up the pan and started cooking pancakes, by the time I was done with all the pancakes I made my mother a little cup of yogurt and fruit. I set the pancakes separately evenly on two different plates onto the table, with some orange juice and water on the table with two different cups, then my moms yogurt cup. And of course we cannot forget about the maple syrup.

Just as I set down the silverware my mother stepped downstairs.

"God smells like heaven down here", She jokingly said as she hopped over to the table excitingly.

"Yes all props to the box", I jokingly added.

Once we finished dinner I cleared everything up and did the dishes.

"Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?", I heard a voice behind me as I placed the last clean plate into the cabinet.

"Mother I do clean sometimes", I laughed softly and she smiled.

"So what time is your flight tomorrow?", I put a towel away and then turned to look at her.

"Eight, so we should leave at six?", she questionably asked.

"Yes sounds good", I laughed.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, my mom went to go get it as I closed the now clean dishwasher.

"Kylie it's for you", she called out as she walked upstairs.


I stepped out from the kitchen towards the door, as soon as I did that I immediately regretted it.

"Elijah", I stated.

"Kylie please can we talk", He practically pleaded.

"What is there to talk about? You could've easily told me you were busy but no you full on lied to my face, you lied. No trust? No point", I quickly walk up to the door closing it.

"Kylie please let me explain everything", He put his hand on the door.

"How can I believe you?", I opened up the door slowly looking at him.

He just stood there in silence thinking.

"Exactly", I then shut the door and locked it.

I softly leaned my head on the door just trying to think about everything.

"Everything okay?", I look up to see my mother standing there looking confused.

"Yes.. I mean not really but things will be okay, don't worry you have packing to do", I smiled softly as we both walked upstairs and parted our different ways as she went to her room and I went to mine.

"Kylie please", I heard a familiar voice as I closed the door to my room.

"Elijah seriously leave me alone what part don't you get from that", I practically whisper shout at him.

"Kylie your not letting me explain!", He stood in front of my window.

"Because how am I supposed to know what you tell me is the truth?", I stated.

"Just please let me tell you everything then you can be the judge of that please Kylie please?", He turned around from the window looking at me pleadingly.

"Fine", I slumped onto my bed waiting for him to start.

In a flash he was by the door he quickly locked it and then sat by me.

"Okay it all started two months ago", he started.

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