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"Took you long enough", I looked up from the ground and saw Alyssa, Elijah and Evan sitting in a medium sized black truck.

Elijah was driving as he said he would, Evan and Alyssa are in the back and then there's an open back type trunk thing.

"Just put your things in the back then hop in", Evan spoke up.

"Right", I walked to the back and put my bag down I walked back over to the opposite side of the driver and hopped into the front, obviously the only free seat.

"Off we go", Elijah looked at all of us and smiled wide.

I looked out the window at the beautiful scenery as we drove quite fast if I do say so myself but I was definitely excited and happy and just all jumbled up with emotions of happiness and all things good.

"So how long does this drive take?", I leaned back into my seat and enjoyed the calming vibe.

"About an hour and a half so go ahead and relax sleep anything", Elijah  laughed keeping his focus on the road.

I looked behind me through the mirror at Alyssa and saw her putting on a sleeping mask.

"Sleeping already?", I turned my head over and smiled at her.

"Hey you should sleep as well not much sleep happening tonight", She pulled the sleeping mask over her face.

"I'm used to all nighters I think I'll be okay", I laughed as she snoozed off.

I looked over at Evan and saw him plug in some earphones,

"You going to sleep as well?", I looked at him raising my eyebrows.

"You bet", He smiled and put his earphones on and blasted some music loud enough to the point where it was softly heard to the rest of us but probably like a club in his own mind. I looked over at Alyssa as she did the same with her headphones.

"What about you?", Elijah asked me.

"I think I'll try and sleep for a bit, didn't bring headphones though", I joked.

"Oh here", he leaned over and put on low volume 'little do you know' and I immediately felt sleepy.

"Thanks", I smiled and drifted off into a deep slumber.

I woke up to a sudden jolt in the car and I jumped up.

"Oh don't worry just a speed bump", I heard Elijah's  voice.

I looked around me taking in my scenery completely forgetting where I was but then immediately remembered and rested my furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh.. How long was I asleep for?", I leaned back into the seat rubbing my eyes.


"Oh shit", I looked into the mirror and realized I smeared all of my mascara, "sorry do you have any tissues and water?", I looked over at Elijah and he pointed to the compartment in front of me, "thank you".

I grabbed some tissues and water and ended up taking all my makeup off I didn't wear a lot but I didn't want to wear it anymore for today so I took it all off.

"Sorry", I laughed.

"No worries, so you were only out for an hour", He smiled.

"Oh so another half hour?", I put the tissues into a bag.

"Yeah just about", He laughed silently.

I looked behind me.

"There deep sleepers", He took one hand off the wheel and stuck it out the window.

"Isn't that dangerous?", I pointed to his hand.

"Kind of, well depends if your smart about it. It's definitely fun though you should try it", He pressed a button and my window went down.

"My entire arm?", I asked almost shocked.

"As much as you would like", He laughed.

I stuck half my hand out and felt the cold air hitting my hand it felt amazing and made me laugh for some reason.

"Why the giggles?", He started laughing as well.

"I'm not sure", I pulled my arm back in as he closed both the windows and turned on the heater to heat the car up a bit.

For the rest of the car ride Elijah and I just talked about random things sang quietly along to some of our favourite songs, until finally we turned into a curve off of a road that was in the middle of no where and I saw a really beautiful grey lake house that was located right by the water but had a balcony from the back that you can jump off and into the water if you wanted.

Once we stopped the car Alyssa and Evan jolted up.

"Oh wow we're here already?", Alyssa asked as she stepped out of the car.

"Yes, I slept like a baby", Evan stepped out right behind her yawning.

Harry and I stepped out after them, we all grabbed our things and went inside the lake house.

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