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"Sabrina?", I quickly spoke up as I saw that she had answered the phone call.

"Kylie? What's up?", I heard Sabrina's voice as I drove around a curve.

"Yeah hey, I need you're help with something", I quickly speeded past a few cars to speed up my process.

"Okay.. How can I help?", she sounded very confused.

"Where do you live?", I stopped at a red light.

"Where are you?", She asked me just as the light turned green.

"Sunset Turney", I looked over at the street sign.

"Okay four houses to your left", I looked over to the fourth house and saw Sabrina waving.

"Got it", I smiled and hung up, the minute I pulled up she jumped into the car and I drove off.

"So what can I do?", She buckled her seat belt quickly.

"Is there some sort of.. Invisibility type spell thing you can do?", I drove off of her street towards the highway.

"Yes, just learnt it yesterday. Cloaking spell", She quickly took out this old looking book out of her purse.

"Okay so you can do that? How long do they last?", I quickly asked her.

"I can turn it off and on, no time limit", She flipped through the pages probably looking for the spell.

"Okay thank you so much", I smiled at her then quickly looked back at the road.

"Why and where are we going?", She looked at me then quickly continued flipping through pages.

"Look I'll explain once we get there", I continued speeding through the highway.

"No way, tell me", She finally stopped at a page smiling.

"Okay.. My friend Alyssa is going through some weird dreams that aren't actually dreams so I planned on sneaking into the mental institution and into the library to figure out what these dreams are. My boyfriend, Harry, and a few of my other friends are going with Alyssa to the place where her "dreams" are constantly placed so yeah.. We're helping out my dear friend", I quickly turned into the driveway to the mental institution and stopped the car quickly getting out.

"Do you need anything to cast this spell?", I quickly asked her as she stood out of the car. She walked over to me and set the book down on the trunk.

"Usually they say I would need a candle but I can still manage to do a spell without it", She grabbed both my hands and closed her eyes.

"Do I need to close my eyes", I asked her confusingly as I held onto her hands in return.

"Yes", She started quietly reciting these weird words suddenly she let go of my hands I opened up my eyes and saw her smiling and throwing her book back into her bag.

"We're set to go", I whispered softly, she smiled in return.

Once we got into the mental institution I quickly walked towards the library once we got inside I headed straight for the computer while Sabrina hit the books.

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