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I stepped onto the school grounds and was completely frazzled as to where I should go.

The jocks on one side. The cheerleaders. The nerds.

I decided to just walk straight into the school towards the principals office especially since I have no idea where to go or what classes I have.

"Excuse me?", I heard a voice from behind me just as I was about to enter the school. Once I turned around I saw a girl who looked around my age just with light brown hair and hazel eyes and a bit taller then me.

"Yes..", I smiled as I turned around completely.

"You new here? Because I haven't seen you around", She smiled politely.

"Uh yeah actually just moved here", I shivered a little as the cold winter air blew against my face.

"Oh well welcome to Night Fall where all the craziness happens", She giggled and I laughed along with her, "oh I'm Alyssa", She put her hand out ready for me to shake it.

I put my hand out and shook her hand, "I'm Kylie nice to meet you".

"Okay so what grade are you in?", She started walking and so did I.

"Eleventh you?", I looked at her.

"Same, so you seventeen?".

"Yeah, you?", I stopped as we reached the front doors to the school. I could not wait to get inside away from the snowy coldness outside.

"Yeah", She opened up the doors and I followed right behind her.

"So my guess is you'll be in most of my classes", She smiled kindly as we stopped right in front of the principals office.

"Yeah probably", I slightly laughed.

"Okay well here's my number give me a call on break okay?", She handed me a piece of paper and turned around to walk away.

"Yeah of course thank you so much Alyssa", I smiled and was about to knock on the principals door when I heard her yell something.

"No problem Kylizzle", She laughed and then was out of sight. I smiled to myself, at least I wasn't alone and had already made a friend on the first day.

*knock knock*

I softly knocked on the door to the principals office as the door slowly opened I saw a middle aged women standing behind it she stepped out and asked me politely to sit by the chairs until the principal was done with his meeting. Great that meant missing first period I really just wanted to start the day and not have any attention on me but I knew that was inevitable.

"Kylie Dawn", I heard my name being called. When I looked up from my phone I saw it was my principal, he was short definitely old but looked very kind.

"Yes, hello nice to meet you", I smiled as I stood up from my chair.

"Nice to meet you to, step into my office?", He put his arm out gesturing towards his office.

"Okay", I smiled and walked in. Once I stepped in I saw a huge desk in front of me, the room itself was medium sized not to big not to small. So there was the huge desk with his chair behind it and two chairs in front of it, his computer on the desk along with loads of papers making the desk look rather cluttered. To my left was a cupboard full of students files and on the right was a bulletin board filled with different things. I felt a breeze behind me, when I turned around I noticed a guy standing there looking straight into my eyes, his eyes were a really bright grey.

"Please Dustin can we talk a different time your going to be late to class", I heard the principals voice come from behind me as he sat down in his chair.

"Yes", He had such an hypnotizing voice, like when he talked you just felt calm immediately. He finally peeled his eyes off of mine and turned around to walk away. I looked back at the principal trying to wrap my head around what had just happened while breathing a little heavily.

"So I was wondering if I could get my class schedule", I smiled kindly.

"why yes of course", He walked over to the cupboard and pulled out an empty file and brought it back over to the table. "This will now be your file", He wrote my name on a sticker paper and stuck it onto the binder.

He handed me my schedule and led me to my first class then he closed the door to his office and I was on my own.

I walked straight down the hall and turned left as he instructed me to do and stopped in front of the chemistry lab room 22b and breathed in deeply.

"You gonna go in or are we going to stand here for ages staring at a door?", I heard a familiar voice behind me when I turned around I saw Dustin.

"No.. Sorry", I answered quite annoyingly because that was a bit disrespectful. I moved out of the way and he walked straight ahead opened up the door then closed it. Great.

I walked up to the door closed my eyes sighed and finally opened up the door. As I walked in I noticed a big desk in front of me, and to my left were four long desks right next to one another with three students by each table except for one of them only had two which immediately I knew I would be seated in the middle on the right near the window. The teacher turned around from the board and saw my standing there by the door.

"Oh you must be Kylie, I'm Gina your teacher for this semester in this class", She smiled kindly and led me to my seat.

"I will give you some paper work that you can do at home just to catch up with everyone else okay?", She looked at me before turning around returning back to class.

"Yes of course", I replied quite awkwardly. Once Gina had turned around I looked to my side and saw an awkward shy boy sitting far far near the window and a nice looking girl sitting right next to me. I couldn't help my curiosity so I looked behind me to see Dustin looking straight at me I immediately looked back to the front of the class and heard him chuckling under his breath.

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