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I was placed back into my room two hours ago, I spent my free time either staring at the wall in confusion or reading a book.

Suddenly I heard a knock at the door I sat up from my bed to see Alyssa walking In.

"Someone's here to see you", She stood by the door waiting for me to walk over.

"Elijah?", I asked in excitement.

"You'll see for yourself", She smiled kindly at me as I stood up putting my slippers on.

Alyssa and I walked down the hall in a comfortable silence, as we turned to the left and stepped into the 'playroom' I felt as if I've been bitch slapped by a bitch.

"Mom?", I sat down by the table as she looked at me in confusion.

"Honey your not insane why are you here?", She held onto my hands almost crying at the sight of her only daughter.

"Mother please-".

"No Kylie I'm getting you out of here and we are leaving no questions asked", She stood up dragging me along but we were both stopped by one of the head nurses.

"If someone checks in here they must as least stay here for two weeks", She looked at her notepad then back at my mother.

"Look I get that but my daughter here is not insane I don't even know why she checked herself in, she knows it herself she is not insane", My mother let go of my arm in anger.

"I'm sorry miss I don't make up the rules here I just follow them", She turned around and walked out the door as I sat by the table waiting for my mom to sit back down.

"Why did you do this?", She asked me. The question reeked of nosiness.

I didn't know how to answer her. I wasn't going to tell her I spent the night with some murderers aka vampires. So I couldn't think of anything. So instead I just stared at the floor.

"Come on honey", She sighed putting her head into her hands.

"I don't know is it something i did? Am I that bad of a parent-".

"Mom stop It", I raised my voice at her. This had nothing to do with her. She knew I loved her she's an amazing parent.

"But come on honey-".

"Mom please", I looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Boy troubles?", She asked.

"No, stop", I stood up.

"Okay okay sit down im sorry", She looked down.

"It's okay just seriously stop asking why", I folded my arms against my chest.

"Will you at least tell me when your going to come home?", She begged me to answer this question honestly.

"You want an honest answer fine... I don't know", I meant every word I said.

"Okay.. I love you Ky-".

"Mom I know, I love you", I hugged her quickly.

"I'm still here.. It's really hard to explain but your going to have to trust me on this one okay?", She nodded her head and she looked down at her watch.

"I promised my boss I would only stop by for fifteen minutes so I'll be back tomorrow or later today if I can", She kissed me on my head and left quickly.

As I was about to leave the room I heard a familiar voice call out my name when I turned around I immediately ran over and jumped into there arms as there strong grip held me tightly. As we pulled away from our hug we sat down by a table.

"Elijah...thanks for coming-".

"Of course I'm always here.. Are you here because of us?", He whispered the last part.

"Maybe", I nodded my head letting him know yes.

"What? Why?", He sat back almost insulted.

"Your freaking..", I leaned closer to him. "Murderers, It was just to much I feel safe here", I sat back.

"We're going to get you out of here as soon as possible", he held onto my hands.

I suddenly pulled away.

"No I don't want to leave.. When I'm ready I'll let you know", I looked down at my fingers.

"Kylie.. Come on how did you even get into this place?", He leaned into the chair comfortably.

"Would you believe good acting?", I giggled softly.

"Yes I would", He chuckled at the sight of me giggling.

It felt good to laugh almost like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

"Good because there's the answer", I leant forward in laughter.

After the laughter had died down Elijah and I talked about just random things and life finally visiting hours were over.

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