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"I love youuu", I dragged my you for some reason as I walked over to him hugging him.

"I love you too, let's go continue looking", He smiled at me softly.

"Okay We have all that we could possibly collect lets go", I jumped onto his back as we flew away, sounds funny but it was what had happened, along with a bag full of pictures of Alyssa.

We landed in front of his house I stepped inside Elijah right behind me.

"Finally you guys are back", Sabrina and Evan practically shouted as we stepped inside.

"What? What happened what's wrong?", I looked at them concerned.

"Nothing, Alyssa is okay her memory's back", Evan laughed, I laughed again as we all hugged each other, we ran upstairs to find Alyssa sitting there smiling.

"Kylizzle hey", She ran up to me and hugged me.

"Elijah!", He ran up to her and gave her a big old hug.

"Evan and Sabrina yet again", She hugged us all in a group hug.

"Kylie can I talk to you for a second?", She looked at me.

"Yes of course", We stepped outside of the room.

"You had sex with him didn't you", She immediately accused, her accusation was right but still.

"Yes, I love him and he loves me why?", I looked at her confused.

"Nothing I'm just really happy for you that's all", She hugged me again practically squishing me.

"How did you know?", I pulled away from her confused.

"You didn't cover any of those hickeys and there are to many for it to be considered a heavy make out session", She pointed at my neck laughing.

I immediately ran towards the bathroom and realized she was right, I let my hair down quickly around my neck it hid them pretty well, this was so weird to me. I never thought I would be having sex anytime soon let alone with a vampire. This was all just zooming past my eyes and I was just slowly catching up.

"You okay?", Evan walked into the bathroom, I was sat on the floor by the sink trying to comprehend everything.

"Yeah..", I looked up at him smiling as he sat down next to me.

"I know things get over whelming, trust me I've been alive for a while but it gets better as long as you focus on the good", He looked at me then we both just looked at the bathtub in front of us.

"I'm happy definitely, I'm in love also. But everything that's been happening.. Is it wrong for me to feel awkward to be doing this when so much is going on?", I looked at him confused then back at the bathtub again.

"Definitely not, you're not selfish. So you feel bad, when you shouldn't. Just because things are going on doesn't mean it should effect you, especially in that type of aspect, which by the way I'm really happy for you and Harry", He looked at me smiling.

"Thank you.. A lot, thanks a lot", I repeated myself accidentally as I stood up.

"No problem, always here", He smiled as he remained seated.

"You not coming?", I looked at him confused.

"No yeah of course, I just need some time to think", He looked up at me then back at the floor.

"Evan, do you want to talk about something are you okay?", I looked at him concerned.

"No.. No don't worry about it, it's fine", He smiled up at me as we both stood up and walked back over to the room.

As I stepped inside I realized Alyssa was gone.

"Elijah? Where did Alyssa go?", I looked at him, he was sat on the love seat.

"Oh she wanted to go home and get some rest, which you should do as well", He looked at me tiredly.

"Yeah I probably should..", I looked at him then back at the ground.

"Are you okay? With what happened earlier?", He stood up and walked over to me, as he towered over me his perfect features became more visible to my eyes.

"Yes.. I'm happy Elijah. I'm just really tired and a lot has happened", I truthfully answered him.

"You're right. Okay. I'll drive you home?", He walked over to the door.

"Yeah thanks", We both walked out the door and towards his car.

"Thank goodness tomorrow is Sunday". I buckled my seatbelt as he turned the engine on.

"Yeah, I don't really sleep. Sometimes if I'm lucky but as a human you must be exhausted", He looked at me laughing.

"Yes.. Is Evan okey?", I looked at Elijah quickly.

"What do you mean?", He looked at me then quickly back at the road.

"It's just.. Before he seemed really out of it I'm just wondering", I sat there looking at the beautiful night sky.

"Not that I know of, just may be a lot for him", He then pulled into my street, I hadn't even realized we were near.

"Goodnight Elijah thank you for everything I am exhausted", I looked over at him and smiled softly.

He leaned over and kissed me,

"Goodnight Kylie", He told me barely audible.

I smiled back at him as I closed the door to his car and went upstairs I immediately crashed afterwards.

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