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I had reached our school, I don't know how I ended up here but I did. I decided to maybe check the library I know Alyssa loved library's, almost as much as I did.

"Kylie?", I heard a familiar voice.

When I turned around I saw our principal.

"Oh hello", I waved politely.

"What are you doing here-?".

"Oh waiting for my friend", I smiled politely but cautiously.

"Okay.. You have fun then", And drove off.

"That was close", I softly muttered to myself.

As I watched the car slowly drift off into a distance, I quickly scrambled over to the front door. Stupidly and obviously I should've noticed it was going to be locked, I knew that there was a back door and a window that was broken in the second classroom.

I quickly ran over to the back door and lucky enough it was open, I quickly ran in straight towards the library.

"Alyssa are you here?", I yelled out quickly looking through this gigantic library.

I heard soft sniffles in the corner of the room, as I turned around towards the sound and spun around the bookcase quickly I was shocked. It was Alyssa but she looked a wreck, her was sticking all over the place a huge mess many different tangles, instead of her usual nice styles sleek back hair, all her eyeliner and mascara had come off making her cheeks all black, and her clothes were all dirty and disgusting.

"Oh my god Alyssa where did you go? Why are you all dirty", I immediately bent down by her side hugging her softly.

"I-I-i don't know- i- tried- I mean-I-", She kept trying to talk but in was a lot of shock.

"Okay, don't talk it's okey. Hold on", I quickly stood up and went right around the corner and pressed onto Elijah's number.

"Yeah?", He sounded very nervous, it was kind of cute.

"I found her, were in the school library come quickly, she's a complete wreck and I would like to maybe take her back to you're house and clean her up a bit", He immediately agreed and hung up, I quickly went back over to her and hugged her just giving her my full support. suddenly I saw Elijah come through the door he quickly ran over to us and the look on his face when he saw Alyssa was honestly so indescribable and it hurt. He picked up Alyssa bridal style and we ran back over to his car, and quickly drove off, almost immediately we arrived outside of his house.

"I'll take her in", I quickly put her arm around mine and brought her in. I quickly ran over to the downstairs bathroom and closed the door shut while locking it.

"Here", I heard Evans voice through the door, when I opened it I saw a pair of sweatpants a shirt and a towel.

"Thank you", I then quietly closed the door.

She then undressed, I turned around respecting her privacy but still being there for her, she stepped into the shower and pulled the shower curtain closed. When she was done she stepped out and put on the shirt and sweatpants. Once she was dressed I looked up at her, she was near the mirror, her hair was just regularly down and wet, obviously. She took her towel and took off the rest of her makeup that had remained on her face.

She then looked at me slowly just looking very fragile. I quickly stood up and hugged her, I then opened up the door to the bathroom and she sat down on the big bed, while Evan sat down on a chair across from the bed, I decided to sit down in a love chair next to Elijah, I quickly walked over to Elijah and sat down next to him, Sabrina was sitting on the couch along with Dustin and Arianna.

"You okay?", I decided to speak up.

She just looked at me, her eyes almost emotionless.

"Alyssa you can talk to us-", Dustin spoke up.

"You can trust us-", Sabrina then decided to say something.

"And most of all we are here for you", Arianna looked at Alyssa then at all of us as we nodded.

"Really were all here", Elijah and Evan said that at the same time.

"Alyssa?", I looked at her as she just kind of sat there picking at her nails.

"I remember a few things", She looked at all of us.

"Oh.. Would you mind telling us?", I looked at her.

"Mason, my brother. Did many things wrong. Not only did I think he was a good brother but I was so wrong to think that-".

"Alyssa don't blame yourself on anything", Evan interrupted her.

"Please let me finish-", He nodded understandingly. "My brother abused me.. And I had no idea-".

"What kind of abuse?", Sabrina looked confused and kind of scared.

"Only abuse", She looked at Sabrina then back at the floor.

"He also tried to kill my mother twice", I heard her voice crack. That horrible crack that made my heart shatter into a billion pieces.

"We're here for you", I looked at her.

She looked up and smiled.

She smiled. I smiled back I was happy that she could at least smile even if she felt dead inside.

"Let's do this spell", She stood up.

"What? Right now?", I looked at her shocked.

"I want nothing to do with this disgusting foul man, let's do it", she walked over to the bed and laid down.

"Okay then.. What do I do?", I looked over at Sabrina.

"Lie next to her", I did as told.

Alyssa immediately crashed, which was amazing. Evan quickly walked over to her, sat down. Closed his eyes and I guess got into her head. I laid down and Sabrina started muttering things next thing I knew I had crashed.

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