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I woke up slowly to the sound of my phone vibrating on the night table next to my bed.

I slowly but surely picked up my phone to see a text from Elijah.

'Sorry going to have to cancel plans tonight, I'll make it up to you I promise'.

I quickly texted him back:

'It's okay, everything good?'.

I put my phone down and walked into the bathroom I did my regular routine. Washed face, brush teeth, floss, shower. I decided to curl my hair softly today and do a bit of makeup, consists of Mascara and Lipgloss. I then put on some deodorant and my Bethany Mota perfume that smelled completely devine.

As I stepped out of room and went downstairs and I noticed it was already three in the afternoon. I must have been really exhausted.

After I ate some cereal I headed back upstairs and just laid on my bed. I picked up the remote to my television and turned it on, I reached over for my phone to see Harry has replied.

'Family business, just going to chill at home tonight'.

'Okay, hope everything's good I'll see you tomorrow'.

I pressed into my contacts list and called Arianna.

By the second ring she has picked up the phone.

"Hey Kylie what's up?", I heard her cheerful voice through the line.

"Want to hang tonight? Maybe go to the nightfall mall? It's outdoors and super pretty.. Or so I've heard", I laughed softly.

"Umm.. Dang Kylie if you would've asked me an hour ago I could've but I have plans tonight okay? Take a rain check?", She responded slowly.

"No yes of course it's fine, have fun", I hung up quickly and put my phone down. I didn't really know many people here so I didn't know who I could call. Dustin.

I quickly picked my phone back up, I clicked onto his number and sat there until he answered.

"Yo Kylie what's up?", I heard his voice.

"Busy tonight?", I quickly just got to the point.


"Why is everyone busy tonight, damn it. Okay we'll have fun", I laughed softly as I hung up before he could respond accidentally.

I sat up and decided I would just go to the nightfall mall tonight by myself.

I looked over at the clock and saw it was a quarter to four, I decided at seven I would leave. I decided to just watch some television.

After many episodes of oitnb I grabbed my purse, car keys and left.

As I drove to the mall, directions from my mother. I finally pulled into the mall and got out. It had already gotten so dark and chilly luckily I brought a sweater which I pulled on quickly.

I shopped for about an hour, I bought two cute plain black crop tops and a new pair of jeans I decided to go shoe shopping after getting something to eat. I was craving some delicious frozen yogurt.

As I approached the frozen yogurt store called 'Frozel' I quickly stepped into the store and closed the door after me. As soon as I walked In I felt like I had just gotten slapped in the face.

"Excuse me..", I spoke out loud as I walked slowly up to see Everyone sitting at a table, and by everyone I mean. Elijah, Evan, Alyssa, Arianna, Dustin.. Everyone.

"Oh my god Kylie", Harry quickly spoke up.

"Don't even", I spat quickly and walked out as fast as I possibly could. I suddenly had Evan in front of me. Of course. I quickly turned around but to be stopped by Alyssa, smirking. Seriously. I turned around and started walking away only to be stopped by Elijah.

"Okay I see I'm not getting away what?!", I practically yelled.

"I'm sorry-".

"Yeah you better be sorry, look I would get It if something came up but to lie to me? That breaks my trust", I lowered my voice.

"I didn't mean too Alyssa brought us all together she said It was an emergency", He pointed to Alyssa who was smirking and practically glaring at me.

"So it's all your fault? Look I apologized can you please get over it!", I pushed past Elijah towards Alyssa.

"Aww the bitch is mad", She giggled annoyingly.

"If your plan was to cause trouble between Elijah and I, fine your wish came true", I half whispered as I turned around, luckily I made it into my car before I broke down into tears.

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