Day one of hell 1️⃣

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Lynds pov
Once me and mase had finally left masons and started walking to school me and mase began chatting about what we think our teachers would be like and what we were most looking forward to learning about and how much more difficult the work would be it didn't take long for me and mason to arrive at our new school we both took a breath in held each other's hand and walked in side by side there was absolute chaos as a bell ringing signalling 5 minutes before first lessons started and then there was a mass of our fellow pupils going off to start their day now because it's mine and masons first day we were waiting to be sat in a hall for our first assembly and then it was a tour of the building and we would be shown where our lockers were and then we would be given our time tables so we knew what lessons were on what days and then we would meet our tutor and then have our lessons i couldn't wait i was extremely excited and i was even more so to do it with my best friend beside me speaking of Mason I had noticed he was already up to his old tricks of trying to prank the teachers by claiming he had no idea how to speak English so he could get away with not paying attention until i pulled him up on his behaviour whilst trying not to laugh oh mase you don't change do you unfortunately your going to have to pay attention otherwise your mums going to stop your football privileges for a week remember with that mason huffed but sat and listened .Me and mason had all of the classes i struggled with together so that instantly relaxed me the only classes we were apart from each other was music and drama but other than that we were together all the time as we were assigned the same tutor so for me it was a good start to my new school despite being set homework on the first day but it was easy for me as you had to write an essay on what your currently good at and all about your future plans and lifetime goals and it was due in for our next lesson and a glance at my timetable told me this would be Wednesday i instantly began thinking about what to write well I thought it was easy the actual process of transferring what was in my mind and putting on to paper was the difficult part due to me being dyslexic and this where mason came in as he or one of the other mounts would help me check over anything i had written and check my spellings correcting things and giving me guidance .whilst mason on the other hand mason let out a deep groan of disgust and flopped on the table yep definitely dramatic mason and just like that the bell rang which signaled the much longed for end of the school day and then the corridors were full of pupils desperately seeking their friends from other classes and heading home for the evening

Masons pov
Well I 've made it me and lynds have arrived at our new school and id hoped things would work out well i'd seen in the prospectus that the school had a good football team that takes part in inter school competitions whilst I was side tracked about football as usual this meant I was unaware that a teacher had asked me a question and i had resorted to claiming that i couldn't speak a word of English so therefore i couldn't understand what was asked.lynds said to me that mum had said any naughty behaviour at all and i would lose my football privileges for the week so luckily I had discovered we've got the same tutor and had the majority of my classes with lynds apart from music and drama but in your opinion those weren't the important subjects yes i still tried in them but i didn't go for top marks despite my siblings and lynds saying you were so dramatic at times but for a first day it was okay but I couldn't wait to go home and get out of my uniform and down the field for a some practice or so I thought as your now least favourite teacher set you homework on the first day asking the class to write an essay about what your currently good at and your future plans and your lifetime goals due in on Wednesday ugh this is so not fair i thought as I flopped across the table but to my relief the bell sounded and the corridors came alive with cheers and laughter as it was the end of the day i'd done it first day done and now me and lynds where headed home.

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