Break from the blues 🗓️

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Lynds pov
Today I felt really weird as it was my last day at work before my maternity leave started and I knew I would miss being at work and being around the boys but I was determined to avoid a repeat of bree's arrival so turning my final alarm off this morning was really strange but I soon felt mase stretch and place kisses along my neck and I said morning babe ready to get up or are we training from the bed today and mase said mmm I'd love to train with you in our bed gorgeous but I'm up I swear well part of me is the rest will follow later on and he winks and I tap his bicep gently and laugh and he said hey you started that thought pattern and I said you are so lucky your brother didn't hear that mr and I said right trouble let's get this day started and get breakfast done and I say I fancy weetabix and berries what about you gorgeous and mase says I fancy my wife a fruit yogurt and extra fruit a smoothie and a custard doughnut and I raised an eyebrow and said anything else mase with a gentle little laugh and he said umm a kiss and cuddle before all that though and I lent up and gave him a kiss and then I sat up and rested my head on mases shoulder and he stroked my arm and said perfect right now I'm ready for breakfast and I said well glad you are ready baby but i need the loo first so can you sort bree and I'll be there in a sec and mase said gladly I'll see you in a minute and he kissed me and he went over to bree and said good morning baby girl daddy is doing breakfast today so fancy helping me yeah and Bree giggled and he said oh daddy knew he could count on you and he carried her downstairs on his hip and I went to the loo and I washed my hands and quickly washed my face and headed downstairs and joined everyone and mase said me and bree have already made your tea and breakfast darling and I kiss his head and then bree's cheek and say thank you babies and I sit and eat my breakfast and have my drink and then I get Bree ready and make her drink and do mine and masons snack boxes and our drinks for the day and then I said right that's mum and dads food and drinks all sorted now it's time for me to go and get my self in the shower and I head up and start my shower and I wash my hair and then shave and wash my body and then I apply my moisturiser and then I get out and start getting dressed and into my uniform for the last time and I rubbed my bump and said well Archie this is the last time you're going to be all squashed by mummy's tight work clothes so come on you lets go get squished by cuddles I've no doubt from your uncle Kai and and uncle timo and uncle Frank and I give my bump a final rub and slip my shoes on and grab my bag and work badge and keys and head back down and mase said right there's a cuppa for you to enjoy while I'm quickly getting ready so I'll be back down in a sec and mase passed me a perfect drinking temperature cup of tea and I sat and drank that and put my feet up and Blake came down and said i drew you a picture auntie lynds because it's your last day isn't it before you have yours and uncle maseys baby and I say aww thank you Blake and yeah it is but only for a little bit as when I feel better after having the new baby and the new baby is settled I can go back to work with uncle mase and Mase then reappears showered and dressed and he said is everything packed and ready babe and I said yeah gorgeous all good and grace said have a good day loves and see you later and I said just need to grab the boxes of cakes and cookies I made and Mase licked his lips and leaned down and whispered mmm do I eat them or you and I laughed and playfully slapped his arm and said to mason right you car and let's go and we got in the car and began the journey to the training centre and pull in to our bay and then Mase helped me out of the car and said need me to carry anything baby and I say noo I'm good go on get yourself ready for training babe and I give him a kiss and open my office and mason says okay I will see you later baby and he gives me a another kiss and rubs my bump and says behave Archie and look after mummy okay daddy see you later and he heads off in the direction of the canteen and I start organising the forms and paperwork for the day and everything else and then I hear lamps opening up his office and I say morning lamps and lamps says morning lynds how are you doing and feeling and I say yeah I'm feeling really weird  at the fact that I'm actually going on maternity leave and Frank says I bet well you know that we're all here for you to come and say hi when you want to but please and I beg of you don't repeat bree and I say don't worry I promise I will stay home at the slightest suspicious twinges and frank said that would be greatly appreciated thank you and we both laughed and I said mase is either eating or up to no good or possibly even both and frank said uh oh one of those kind of days huh and I start responding to the emails and say yep high functioning cheekiness is the theme of the day and frank said best be on my guard then huh and I said yeah might be wise and lamps headed off and I said oooh archie we get to go on a wonder over to the academy to drop off their kits aren't we lucky and I head to the kit office and knock and say heya nick you got an academy order for me I believe and nick said yeah I have indeed and blimey girl how big are you and I said yeah I know little man isn't so little bless him but I hope he's done growing size wise but he's still high so I'm not sure hopefully he won't be in there for too long and nick said whens your last day and I said funnily enough I'm heading on maternity leave after today and nick said aww will be dull with out cobhams little ray of sunshine good luck sweetie can't wait to meet little man and I rub my bump and say aww yeah I'm taking leave this time as we all agreeed none of us wanted a repeat of bree and nick chuckled and said right this is the last box so if any thing needs duplicating or resizing let me know yeah sweet and I say will do cheers nick see you later and he says yeah come say bye before you go please and I say of course and nick opens the door and I make my way over to the academy building and I fob myself in and Sam said aww hey lynds aww your bump is lush and because I have the memory of a fish I can't remember do you know what you guys are having or is it a surprise and I say bump is home to little Archie frank mount and Sam said i thought you guys said you found out but I wasn't sure but I've got you and little one a neutral goodie bag anyway and I said oh bless thank you and she handed me a big bag of baby things and I said aww thank you and hopefully you won't be waiting to long to actually meet him and have a cuddle and Sam says yay and I grabbed the bag and gave her a hug and head to the pitch and I heard jody and said alright jods and he said hello lynds you alright and I said yeah got the kids their kits and Jody said oh brill and he said right guy's break in the session so we can get the kits out okay and I said I'll tick and you distribute yeah and Jody said great plan and we passed everybody there uniform and Alex said hi lynds just wanna wish you the best of luck with your new baby and can you tell Mase thank you for the kick tips they're helping loads and I said aww thank you Alex and I certainly will tell mase thanks sweetie and Ryder said I'm gonna miss you so much big sis and I promise ill still work super hard for you while you are away and I said good boy Ryder and I will miss you too and Danny said hang on and he headed off and came back a few seconds later and he was holding a cake and as he handed it to me he said I researched what was safe foods for a pregnant woman to eat and everything Is baby safe and I made it myself so I definitely knew it was safe to give you and I said aww that's so sweet bless you Danny and I saw the cake said best of luck with your new baby boy Archie and the card said we all love you and can't wait to see you guys soon love your cobham kids and I said aww thank you all so much I love the cake and card and I hope I get a picture of you all in your new kits soon and have fun and I will see you guys soon and I wave and everyone waves and says bye and good luck and I say thank you enjoy your training and upcoming games and I head back to the main building and fob back in and head to my office and carry on working on player's training schedules and various other things when I heard the boys coming in and I look at the clock and see the time as being 12:00 the boy's other favourite time of the day lunchtime and I heard a voice whisper I hope she likes it and and another voice say it's going to be so weird not having her here and the one whisper I could easily distinguish as that being the hushed voice of my husband say I am lucky enough to live with her so haha I get her all the time and I am shocked at the fact that mason doesn't appear at my door like usual and I think mmm odd mase always makes sure I'm eating and I then get a text from Kai (king Kai 👑) hey lynds can you please come to the canteen need to ask you something 🥹 X so I text back (lynds❤️) yes Kai I'll be there in a second what ya forgotten now love 🤭 x and Kai responded with (king Kai 👑) heyyy I'm not that bad but your the only woman that works here x 😅 and with a quick laugh to my self I head over to the canteen after locking my office and say right Archie let's see what trouble uncle Kai is in and I soon arrived at the canteen and I walked in and saw nothing but darkness so I said boys what have you done in here and suddenly the lights came on to reveal a blue balloon arch with presents underneath and a blue A balloon and long table with food on it and everybody yelled surprise and I said aww boys this is cute thank you and timo said we just want to show you guys how much we love you and appreciate you so between us four and he gestures to himself Kai mase and Frank we organised this and I said I love you all so very much and don't worry it will be like I haven't gone anywhere I'll pop in as I'll drop mase in occasionally so I'll be here as a visitor but I promise as soon as I can I'll bring Archie in to meet his amazing extended family and I also want to say well bloody done mase for keeping this quiet and I love you so much and I kiss him and Kai said my turn to speak Lynds I can't believe you are going on maternity leave today like what are we supposed to do when things go wrong who's gonna to make sure I have my snacks and I lightly giggle and say oh Kai don't worry I'll still send you in your extra snacks so don't you worry about that it will be like I'm still here promise come here you and I head over to him and give him a hug and i kiss his cheek and say thank you for this though love you sweet and frank says speaking of sweets like Kai and timo have said this place is going to be a lot less functional for a while but I know that Archie is going to be a very lucky little boy to have you and mase as his parents he has a wonderfuly smart and kind loving mum and a strong and confident and courageous dad so he's going to be absolutely fine and now we can finally properly thank you for everything and the best way to do that is with a party so let's party and I say aww this is so very special thank you now let's eat cake and a chorus of cheers echo around the canteen and me and mason cut the cake and we open all the presents which were little outfits and things we could keep back for Archie to look back on when he was older and I fold and place everything in a pile and
Laugh and joke with everybody and say you all do know I'll still have access to my phone that has FaceTime yeah and you can always use it and Kai and timo both say we will it will be like we've practically moved in with you and I say I won't expect anything less from you boys but if I'm being honest I'm going to miss seeing you lot everyday I'll have to leave a reminder for somebody to make sure you have your correct kit and everything as can't have my boys all cold now can I and Kai says how long are you gonna be off for and I say depending on how things go I'll be back in a around six months so not off for long at all and Kai says aww good and I said so you will have six months to cause as much trouble as you three possibly can which knowing you three will be a lot so I dread to think about what chaos awaits me when I'm back and Kai says I'll be fine it's just timo and mase that are unpredictable  and I say mmm I know what you three are like you're all just as bad as each other and we chat some more and I say so were you boy's going to be training today or not and Kai said nope today is all about you we're all on extra gym and drills for a few sessions but that won't bother you will it mase and Mase says nahh not in the slightest and we both spend time with everyone and I said well thank you all so much for this and hopefully mr mount in here won't take too long before making his way into the world and I rub my bump and I go and hug Frank say at least one mount has done as a they are told and we both lightly laugh and frank says best of luck and see you soon call me if you need anything okay and I say I will and we hug and then timo says this is weird like I know you were going but i didn't think I'd feel as emotional as I do and I said awah timo babe bless ill be back quicker than you will realise and Timo said Archie you have the best mummy and daddy anyone could wish for I promise you that and you've got a lot of excited adopted uncles ready to meet you and teach you football and mischief and Jody said think mason will have that covered all by himself I reckon timo and I said yeah if he's going to be cheeky it's definitely going to be learnt from his dad and Jody said best of luck lovely can't wait to see him and we'll look forward to your visits with him and I said I can't wait either so excited for mase to have a little boy of his own and Jody said yeah I'm bracing myself for the day when I see Archie mount on the academy register the therapist is on standby ready and waiting and we both laughed and then Sam and Morgan came over and said we've done you up a pamper basket and mason is under strict instructions to let us know when your running low on stuff so we can do a restock but  can't wait for cuddles and I say thank you ladies and we hug and a few hours later mase comes over and wraps his arms around my bump and say's right baby it's time are you ready to go home and I say yeah and mason takes my hand and we walked to the car and everybody yelled in sync bye and good luck we'll miss you and I wave out the window and say to mason well baby at least this time I actually made it onto maternity leave and mason said yeah you have babe and say now watch Archie be extremely overdue and make us all wait and mason said the minute he causes you problems is when me and my son will have words and I laughed and mason said right home we go and he started the car and we headed for home and a few minutes later we are back home and Grace says hello loves you two are back earlier than usual and I said hey mum bless them mase and everybody had thrown me a surprise little baby shower so hence why we are back now and Grace said aww how sweet and mase came in with all the presents and Grace said blimey those guys have been busy haven't they and i said yeah me and Archie are very lucky and grace said you deserve it love right go and sort yourselves out and tea will be ready for you in a bit chicken and bacon and veg tonight and I say delicious and see you in a second and me and mason head upstairs and we change I get into a pair of leggings and a oversized shirt and mason changes into a grey loungewear set and we headed back down and we both played with Bree until she started getting tired and then I got her ready for bed and mason took her up and came back down a few seconds later and I say mums made us drinks and mason says thanks mum and grace says welcome love and we have our drinks and then we eat our tea and dessert which was the rest of the cake from the boys and then I said through a yawn the events of today are now rapidly catching up with me so I'm gonna go loo and then I think I might head to bed and join our daughter in dreamland and mason says okay baby I'll be up right behind you and then we can get all sung and comfortable and yeah sleep sounds amazing and I headed upstairs and into our room and headed to the bathroom and when I finished I brushed my teeth and washed my face and then I changed into my pjs and then I got myself comfortable in bed and just as i did so mason comes up and I say hey baby and he says hey darling I'm just gonna brush my teeth then I'm joining you in bed and sure enough a few seconds later mason is getting into bed and he pulls me onto his chest and he softly strokes my bump and says i genuinely can't believe we're going to be meeting our son soon I know I've told you this but I'm so proud of you baby and I'm so incredibly grateful for you I'm and all you do and I'm so very lucky and I say aw i couldn't of accomplished half of what I have without you gorgeous me bree Archie Blake and everybody in our lives are very lucky to have you too gorgeous and we love you just as much and mason says i wonder what he's doing now and I gently move masons hand to where Archie is gently moving and I say he's clearly listening to his mummy and daddy talking about him and mason said how do his kicks feel to you and I just tickled a bit of masons tummy and he said ooh thats ticklish and I said yeah it's not that painful most of the time sometimes he does a few firm kicks but most of the time hes fairly nice to me and archie gives a few kicks and i say and little man appears to be awake and mason says hey little man you showing daddy your kicks thats amazing your very clever and lynds says what does a kick feel like to you then babe and mason flutters his fingers over my thighs and I say similar to how it feels for me then but I'm just thankful one of my children were nice to their mother whilst I was carrying them and mase said yeah Bree certainly had a strong leg on her didn't she baby and I said yeah I reckon if we hadn't of found out that bree was a girl it would have been so interesting to see how many people put down that she was a boy based on her kicks and mason said yeah we would've had so many people shocked and I said yeah we definitely could've fooled so many people it's no surprise that both our children have active legs and we both spend time being kicked by Archie until i started yawning again and I said and I'm sleepy again and mase yawned and said yeah think my training session has finally caught up with me and we settled down and fell asleep feeling very loved

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