part 5 welcome balance breaker.

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In a blank void.

He has grown strong voice 1 says

Yoou bet however will he handle.. IT. Voice 2 says seriously.

Relax partner trust him we are watching him now. Voice 1 says.

Your right he will be strong DRAIG OR MY NAME ISN'T ISSEI HYOUDOU.

As we now know the voice's we see jon older sleeping with red gauntlet on his arm glowing while they talk.

As we now know the voice's we see jon older sleeping with red gauntlet on his arm glowing while they talk

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It has been 3 years since issei hyoudous death and jon has been training in magic and the boosted gear. His potential was realized by the dragon king tannin and with draigs support he was to learn how to use magic circle's but by the 2nd year's end something that would change the underworld forever!!

 His potential was realized by the dragon king tannin and with draigs support he was to learn how to use magic circle's but by the 2nd year's end something that would change the underworld forever!!

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Tannin:You have gotten strong within this year of training boy. The monter dragon known as the massive dragon says.

Jon:Thanks old man you pushed me to balance breaker more than once you really are worth the hype haha. He says laughing knowing he as gotten strong.

Tannin:Well maybe you should try to balance break and release some of that power. The dragon says.

Your right besides i got to see how strong i can get before Kyoto.

The next words with strength in his voice he yells. BALANCE BREAKER. WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER. Draig says from the gear.

Meanwhile same time in the underworld meeting room.

We she blonde man with 10 angel wings
A crimson male with 12 sirzechs
And dirty blonde man with 10 fallen withs.

Sirzechs:So shall we talk about issei. He asked.

Azale:Hell yeah. He says pissed. He thought of him as his son.

Sirzechs:Ok well Michael who is the new red dragon. He asks.

Michael:I don't I'm afraid. Dear lord the system was canceled please watch us. The angel says.

Suddenly they feel great the great and growing power of... THE RED ONE.

Grayfia Telaport us there now. Sirzechs tells his queen.

Within a few seconds the circle sends the three faction leaders to tannin but in front of them is the terrifying look of the welsh balance breaker.

Sirzechs:W.. Who are you? The devil king asked with fear.

Jon did not hide his voice since they did not meet him yet but he will not tell them his name.

Welsh dragon(jon):I am the red dragon emperor and i don't answer to you devil king.

Sirzechs was pissed and going to talk but a fist of dragon and holy was in front of him.

H... How? Sirzechs said.

Holy shit. Azale said.

Dear lord said Michael.

Welsh dragon: Now leave me be unless you want your sister rias gremory to die. I think the factions are assholes and the fallen who killed issei no my master should die but before that person every last fallen and devil will die. The welsh dragln said with malice

Before they could attack or speak the red one left in a magic circle while saying.. Also if you piss me off your wings are next.

Now with jon knowing what to do he trains for Kyoto and his new job as a cop and stray hunter.

That was it for chapter one thank you all follow me for more info and share and vote if like the series bye.

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