part 10 truth of the juggernaut

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In a white void all there is to be seen is nothing. Jon awakes in the white void hearing boost.. Boost.. Boost over and over again until he awake enough to move.

Where the hell am i? Jon says in confusion and being pissed out of the lack of energy.

Relax boy your in the gear to see the past host and the THREE STRONGEST. Draig says informing his and calming his anger and stupidity.

Ok that makes sense.. Wait what the fuck THREE STRONGEST ISSEI SAID ONLY TWO STRONGEST.. Who's the third? Jon was more than confused but he went to go see the past host and they were gloomy and sad.

Well that's what you get for using the uncomfortable juggernaut drive. A unknown voice that felt calm and joyful.

Jon turns around and saw two figures

Elsha a female with gold hair and a purple dress

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Elsha a female with gold hair and a purple dress. The strongest female host.

Next a man with green hair snd a cape with black armor he is belzard.

Ok so you guys are the two strongest right? Jon asked.

Yes we are fogive belzard he doesn't talk much. Elsha says.

Ok but who's the third? Jon asked .

Haha partner he is my brother the strongest rarest and most unique red dragon emperor. Draig said with pride and joy in his voice.

Wait you don't mean..
Jon was about to finish but a figure sneaked behind him and said it's been a long my student.

Jon was about to cry with joy hearing the familiar voice. He turned around and saw issei hyoudou his master.

So what's up. Jon says with joy.

Well in truth we want to kniw the truth of the drive you used. Issei said.

Well in truth i knew it would drain my life so used dividing and absorption to control power and make a evolution within my 3 years of training. however i think i know who killed you.

Really who? Issei asked.

Raynare the one who makes you freeze and the spears color was the same as her own. Or kokabiel the one who can use any color light spear and make it as strong as he wants. Jon says seriously.

Well thanks but just wake jon your the best red one i know. Issei smiles while saying that.

Out of the gear.

Jon awakens in his a large room that looks like it is worth thousands of dollars. But then a person arrives.

Jon your awake you scared me my servant. The person being rias was surprised on her servants recovery.

Well hey I'm the red one but can i head home. Jon says.

Sure jon. Rias says. However in her sge thinks if her marriage is back thanks to issei being gone.

Jon gets out of bed moving in a mansion. The gremory estate. Then he finds every one of the gremory house in a magicr circle waiting to take him home.

You gave us a scare lucky you only needed rest. Rossviasa said.

Ok well let's go idot. Koneko said very coldly like normal.

Ok.. Sorry for worrying you well ready to go. Jon says.

As i said a preview to part 12 here it is

The rage of the dragon.

Who do you think you are to said up to raiser phoenix.

Your higher up. The true welsh dragon emperor.

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