pt 24 we are not engaged!!!

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Pov rias 20 minutes before the ending of the last story.

Rias: hey guys come on. We see rias and the gang dressed and ready to be at thanksgiving along with Venelana and Zeoticus gremory dressed in there normal but confused.

Zeoticus: rias why must we go through the circle then walk?
Venelana: i agree i never seen you like do this.

Everyone looked at them and kiba pulled out a dagger for rias to prove a point.

Rias: it is because vali might come and he could track magic so we are being on guard.

Akeno: and she wants to surprise jon~ara~ara.
Everyone then laughed while rias blushed with small anger and embarrassment from her queen.

Rias: ok enough lets just go and besides he cares for us so i do the same. Shr said in a bout.
Everyone: you got rias.

Back to the present and pov jon.

Jon ran to rias and the other while they his family looked confused.

Grandma: who's the girl?
Uncle Mike: many girls

They all were confused until brandon and cody spoke up.

Brandon: they are Jon's girlfriends.
Cody: and the boys are his brothers in arms.

Then chris yelled saying. Only one is his girlfriend that we know. No need to give them heart attacks.

Everyone else:!!!!
Now with rias and jon.

Jon run to rias and the others and they passionately kiss for a bit till akeno scare then with a kiss on the cheek and jon blushed while he heard issei laugh in his head.

Akeno: rias learn to share after all we shared everything else ara ara.
Jon could only blush till he snapped back to reality.

Jon: ok let's all get inside and talk.

Asia: sure that seems nice.
Koneko: ok
Kiba:sure man.
Irina: amen
All devils by her: My head!!!!
Irina: I'm so sorry i forgot. As she bows while apologizing.

They are about to enter until jon stops.
Jon: hold up let me tell them your here. He says with worry. A couple minutes later they hear yelling with dragonic bloodlust but then it disapears and jon comes back outside with his dragon eye showing and then disappearing.

Jon: ok come on in.
They all enter.

Jon's family introduce themselves and then the orc and gremory family say there names.
Hello I'm rias gremory,akeno himajima, kiba yuuto, gasper, koneko tojo, asia argento, xenovia, Irina, rossviasa. Thank you for having us.

Hello we are rias parent's Zeoticus and
Venelana gremory.

They all talk and have drinks, tea pop and some alcohol for adults when.

Zeoticus: your son has been loving to our daughter even there "alone time" he says laughing. Which makes jon and rias blush and the others spit take the largest they amount ever.

Venelana: well he did break rias out of her marriage amd he and her are getting along so u would like to know how do you feel about an enraged marriage? After all her first is unfortunately gone and ..
Before they finish rias gets up.

Rias: WE AREN'T GETTING MARRIED. Jon then gets up by her side.
Jon: With all respect riser deserved what he got and me and rias wont be in a enraged marriage we will marry whenever but not like that and i don't care because it's her choice after all issei would do the same and i do right by him.
Rias then blushes has they hear clapping. And see three people at the door milokis, grayfia, Sirzechs.

Jon&rias: brother, grayfia how much did you hear? They ask red in the face while everyone in jons family is confused by him saying brother and jon suddenly bowing to the man.

Sirzechs: just here for business but then i found out sbout thus family dinner

Rias: Grayfia did you tell him were to go.

Grayfia: obviously my lady we haven't seen jon in a long time.

Jon still composed still was polite to the king then was joking with everyone till.

Ring ring ring.

Jon: hello? I told you not to call on my day off.

???: yes but sir there is a hostage problem asking for you directly.

Jon was now pissed his one of rare days off being a officer of a special unit and it's ruined. I'M ON MY WAY*CRUNCH*(jon breaks the communicator.

Rias: be ok my pawn. She says with a chuckle.
Jon: you know i will be.

So i wont use to much filler time for a time skip and maybe a flashback next part.

1 1/2 hours later.

We see jon ren ratio


Marcus( real name Matthew Marcus nickname from jon) and ryan.

Everyone: we're back

Jon:sorry couldn't help but bring them. He says with ashes and a few cuts on him.

Rias: sigh. You and your kind soul. Go wash up then you can eat.

The team: yes ma'am.

That's it for now bye guys.

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