pt 33 old satans against the young

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Pov riser.

I was walking through the phoneix house when i was remembering my pride to jon i must say even for me he to saw he would give hyoudou a run for his money. i though to myself but then a circle appeared next to my ear it was from my father.

Hello father what would you like as you know i wss wanting to ask ravel if she knew anyone who wanted to join my house. I said know my rating game would be soon and rias perge was strong.

Enough of that son rias gremory is in a coma i need you to force the red dragon to give her to you. I was shocked by father did he really want me to take rias and act like my old self i wouldn't have it.

No father i will not there marriage is important and unlike you and the council they chose to marry not forced to.


before he finished i cut of the circle and rushed to ravel knowing she is on better terms with the gremorys.

Ravel:brother whats wrong?
Father haa gone made plz give this letter to lord lucifer and the phoneix tear to lord gremory or lady himajima i will help in the fight against jon he is full of rage due to the council so i won't hurt im but he must not kill innocence like he told me.

Flash back.

Riser you have pride from what i know dont use tricks or rage to win or people will get hurt like issei almost did.

Flash back end.

Ravel flew to the others and i flew to lord lucifer to help and we told them everything and we caught up with hyoudou at least just by saying hello

Pov over.

Asia: issei how are you back?
All members of gremory wanted to know the same as did jon.

Issie:damn well first can i have a hug or is it because of ascolon.
They all nod in fear even azale did only because of isseis new look and power.
Issei:ok fair. (Put the sword in jons gear)
Are you girls ok?

Alll girls:issei we missed you!!!! They tackle issei which even a dragon cant handle 10 girl(rias,akeno,asia,koneko,xenovia,irina,rossviasa,kuroka,yakasan,lefay, and yes kuroka missed him due to him wanting to try to havr the sisters bond but he died but he atill tried. Lefay well oppia dragon. Yakasan because kuno missed him but she cant come to meetings.) All the guys stand proud or cry tears of joy knowing they see there friend/brother/son/master(yes i know so many things also grayfia and the other girls just stand there crying and riser hold ravel back like a little kid kicking with tears i want you to picture it.)

Issei: ahh missed you girls to so can i get up?

With that all the girls let go so issei gets up and walks to the guys with the his old comforting greeting but then azale saw him and they all saw jon.

Issei:hello sensei how have you been.
Azale: i have been good my boy... Azale then walk over to issei and BONK.
Issei: what the hell in the dead gods name is that for!! All devils but issei then twitched in pain.
Azale:first how are you alive second where have you been and third... Thank you.

That caught issei off guard but he answered.
Issei:first im dead im a spirit sekurtiy of the gear and i have been in there till the recent week. And last if your thanking me for helping jon no problem he is my student afterall. Issei said proud until.
NO IM NOT jon said with rage and showing tears.

All looked and sae jon bowing to issei.
Jon:red dragon i am sorry i have failed our promise and teachings plz forgive.
Sniff.. Wimper(jon couldn't hold tears back anymore) forgive me.

Then issei walked up to him hand reaching to puck him up.
You made me proud and you are the strongest man i know i am happy to know you jon. Issei said before glowing red and merging back in the gear to rest which left all with tears in there eye and joy with a smile on his face. While that happened vali left glad seeing issei again.

Now we will take a 5 month time skip jon and rias got married,Xenovia and paul had some issues but are engaged now and happy aswell as master pauls hollow power. Dylan and kuroka have started dating and the underworld now has proof that she is not a stray. And last but not least after isseis appearance jon thought of the oppia dragon show and thought that he should do that for the younger children but ask for his own show where oppia dragon is 1-10 and parents. Jon's show is sekurtiy fire think of it like a Sophia and action show from +10. Jon went to the underworld to talk about the show and just like issei fate happened.

Jon:yes im not issei but as the new emporer i will live up to him everyone.
He says to a oppia dragon crowd and then when he goes to leaves he bumps into someone grand.

Jon:ouch you ok kid?
???:yeah im mister
Jon you can call me jon and you are (hold up i feel a dragon in him but he's a devil i thought whatever i got an idea.)
Kevin:kevin my name is kevim irgo of the house of irgo. The kid now knoe as kevin with black hair blue eyes and dark blue vest and silver undershirt,with gray pants.
Jon:well kevin i never heard of that house what happened to it if you don't mind me asking? Then jon notices sadness on kevins face.
Kevin:me and my sisters are all thats left. My dad is in a coma because a member of the council Thought we were to strong and my mom as a problem lady bail had. Its only me and my three sisters. Then kevin feels a hand on his shoulder.

Jon: well your strong for dealing with this and i can tell you have heart what do you say you be my STUDENT.

Kevin was in shock because then he could be strong for his family because he never had his familys full magic power but he had something new.

Kevin: i accept when can we start.

Jon:hahaha your eager. Then fine we start today you'll be a dragon with devil blood when im done with you and your gear but first we need to work on your mind and body.
Kevin: yes sir.

And that day the bond of master and student and the spark of the revival of dragons was formed.

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