the crimson wing

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We are back with the group in the fallen base with the future kids and issei the gear of max and all are stunned while jon is readying a portal for the gremory domain.


Max: yeah he is the spirit of the gear like driag but thats not important dad i need to tell you about mom. *chop*

All men are shocked when they see karen it max with a chop on the head with P.O.D


jon: yeah your defiantly akenos student and my and rias daughter. Then the phoneix symbol has appeared by Jon's ear.

Riser:jon can you hear me?
Jon:riser yes i can what is it?
Riser:i pushed the game back a week because my nephew just got delivered.
Jon:YOU HAVE A NEPHEW.. Wait you have a brother or sister?

Riser:haha brother he is my twin and yes he married his queen talia rinshi
Now talia phoenix my brother is named Zacharia he is thinking of naming him zach is that fine with delaying the game for a few days so zach is healthy full blood.(zach the son will be called zach and risers brother will be Zacharia)
Jon:fine by me see ya riser

Call end

Jon turns to his right only to see a red faced karen and a laughing max with a scar on his shoulder staring to show.

Jon:hey max before you tell me what you came here for what is that mark?(Gesturing to Max's shoulder to see the picture)Max: ohhh this well that scar Uhmmm can't say sorry

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Jon:hey max before you tell me what you came here for what is that mark?
(Gesturing to Max's shoulder to see the picture)
Max: ohhh this well that scar Uhmmm can't say sorry..
He then went serious letting a red and silver aura show how serious he was until.
Karen: maybe show him the one on your gear arm he will love it.
Max then went reder then ever before not even the hair of gremorys could match his face.

Max: SIS YOU SAID TO TELL HIM ABOUT THE DRIVE THATS IT AND LEAVE WHO IS MY MATE IS MY BUSINESS. (Now pouting) besides she is only a few years older then me due to yokai ageing:(

All but karen:.... Bffftt hahahahahaha

Max: shut up and besides sis i will tell this dad about your boyfriend. He says with a devilish smile and a shiver goes down Karen's spin.
Karen: no no no you win just tell him about the drive all ready....
(???:you are pissed right partner,that was a low blow.)
(Karen:yeah crystal i am but time for later bye)

Jon:so what's so important?

Max still rubbing his head in pain from the chop. Well first we know your cop job and first mat ashly roger and dan are ok.
Ratio: who are they ?

Jon:they are kids who been through hell and lost something important so they are apart of a team im making team burst. At least until i find there parents or the parents recover.

Max:well we are apart of that team snd they are ok plus you should be happy dad seriously we saved half your life.

All were shockef by Max's word but karen which made them want to know what he meant.

Karen: i said not to reveal so much idiot. We see karen hitting her brother to the floor till she gains her composer and states, when you made that king drive it was one of 5 things that gave you the name ruined king. But it marked your soul the power took 50%of your life since your not a full dragon thus you only had 50,000 years but now we got you ay least counting dragon and save of life span 70,000.

Jon:....:( what the fuck.

Also your wing transplant for mom works but you will be out for a week so i recommend asai helps heal when your not giving dragon and devil arau on the scales(armor) to fix her wings.
But we got to go bye 9 piece legend

Jon:yeah you too karen(9 piece nobody in history ever had 9 piece's im lost?)

Max:wait before we leave me and issei and karen got you gifts since none of us were there at the wedding.

Max hands jon a box and to his shock it had a map of the future gremory territory and gloves made of pure metal and energy and last but not least from his old master issei secret collection of +18 from japan.
Jon(issei why did you have these? Issei, i was a teenager don't hate plus a devil so shut it.)

Jon:ehh thank you
Max:hey think of it as pay back for what happened. He says with a smirk
Also zen found his partner he is the best rival i could ask for beside the silence and blitz or his tital wrath of gods.
With that the two leave and teleport raynare jon and ratio to the underworld as well which scared many but had jon think "who the hell is silence and how strong are my brats?
Then he looks to Raynare
Jon:so may i ask you something? He says while letting out some bloodlust that scares the low class devil near by unknown to jon they are in the gremory domain.

Raynare:our first meeting in Kyoto is it. Cough she then spits blood due the damage kokabel gave her. Well kokabel made me use the same trick or this happened and since it failed he took my son. Raynare started crying but then jon hugged her. Two the shock of both ray amd ratio

Jon:its not your fault we all are forced to change and go through hell or worse i did myself thats whst issei rias kiba akeno everyone helped with and draig too ha. But never forget being alone or excepting not overcoming it hurts you but i have request for you two.
Ratio: what would that be?



Now with ajuka and Sirzechs.

Sirzechs:so why do you think jon had such power? They both looked at jons pieces or the energy from them

Ajuka: my lord i think it is a mattrr that jon merge his soul and blood with them unknowingly we will need to keep an eye on him.
Sirzechs: well my brother is strong well i havr news for them after the game with riser but until then thank you ajuka.
Ajuka:no problem old friend(jon why will come from your power)

Next part dragon and phoneix truth of the soul

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