Chapter Twelve

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It was the second day of Emily's period and arguably the worst for her pain . She wasn't hungry and just wanted the pain to subside. Namjoon noticed that Emily wasn't her usual fiery self, but didn't want to keep asking if she was ok when she obviously wasn't , so when Yoongi came out of her room to refill her hot water bottle for the nth time that day, Namjoon took the opportunity to take the heated bottle back to her.

As he took it to her, he found Emily curled on her side, face white as a sheet and reaching out for the heated item. Namjoon swiftly passed her the hot water bottle and dug his phone out of his pocket to look up various options to help, a hot bath, gentle exercise, painkillers, heat and orgasms were the consensus. His eyebrows rose as he realised there were only two options left after Hoseok had suggested yoga earlier that morning and almost lost his head to a well aimed throw pillow . As much as Namjoon wanted to help his suffering soulmate, he didn't know how to broach how she felt about doing intimate things whilst on her period, especially when none of them had done anything that intimate previously.

He decided to go into her bathroom and start running a hot bath, putting her toiletries within easy reach, he thought about how best to ask Emily, if she wanted to try some form of none penetrative sex, then decided against it. As he walked through to her bedroom and scooped her up, she nuzzled into his chest grumbling about being moved, making him smile down at their grumpy little dragon.

He sat her on the closed toilet seat as he busied around with warm towels whilst she disposed of her used tampon. He asked Emily to choose a bath bomb, plopping it into the hot water to fizz , finally he helped her get undressed properly and into the bath, as he turned to leave he heard a small voice

"Please, get in with me"

How could he say no to her? He rid himself of his clothes and slid in behind her, he was all too aware of her soft naked skin pressed up against his, all of his worries melted away as she lay on his chest his legs over hers. Just enjoying the warmth of the water. His hand occasionally rubbing over her bloated stomach.

Several times Emily reached forward and emptied some of the cooling water out before refilling with hot water. Namjoon was just enjoying the feeling of being skin to skin with her, until she turned around and straddled his waist.

Emily started kissing him softly, and guided his large hands to her soapy breasts, panting heavily as he took her nipples between his finger tips, lightly rolling them. She reached up behind Namjoon, to some drawers and took out a small velvet bag, taking out a waterproof rose gold bullet vibrator she purchased on her last shopping trip, he chuckled, thankful he didn't have to bring the subject up at all.

As Emily carefully turned the vibrator onto its medium setting, she leaned back allowing Namjoon to fully view her pink folds, she carefully slid the vibrator between them and he watched as she focused it against her bundle of nerves, rubbing it in circles, moans exiting her lips, as she smiled down at Namjoon, he once again took her erect nipples between his fingers and rolled them, as Emily's hips started to buck and her moans became more frequent Namjoon could feel all of the blood rushing to his rock hard cock, her soapy ass rubbing lightly against his tip, watching her come undone on top of him, her hips jolting in rhythm with the movements of her hand. As she finally stilled, legs shaking and mouth agape, Namjoon reached his own high, completely untouched, spurting white ribbons from the tip of his hard cock. They both lay there, comfortably in the now chilled water, basking in the afterglow.

The water had now gotten too cold, and they decided to warm up and clean up with a shower, Namjoon's grin never wavered. Emily looked up at the man she adored with a raised eyebrow

"I've never come untouched, never, I didn't even know I could" Namjoon explained as Emily giggled

"Well, now we know you can... I can't wait to play with you" she winked.

Before he could answer her Emily had slid down onto her knees, holding onto his thick thighs, she looked up at him under her eyelashes as she licked his hard veiny length with the flat of her tongue, stopping to give kitten licks to the tip gently sucking on it, as she grasped the base of him in her hand, he hissed, his hand finding the back of her head, She took as much as she could of him in her mouth, using her hand on the rest, She started bobbing her head slowly, she could feel him twitch, reaching her other hand up to cup his balls, massaging them in time to her head movements.

As he started to buck his hips, fucking her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, she gagged on him, but kept going, swirling her tongue around and twisting her hand, faster and faster until he stilled above her, tasting the warm salty liquid squirting down her throat, she was happy, her first ever blow job, she wasn't sure if he suspected, but she was pleased she watched some porn for tips! Emily frustratedly sighed Why was she always the most horny when she was on her period? It was like a curse!

She opened the shower door, stepping out with a spring in her step, looking back at the naked man, stood under the falling water, mouth agape, this was going to be an agonising wait for her period to end, Emily knew she was ready, ready to lose her virginity, ready to give it to one of these seven men, her soulmates, but who?

How would she choose?

She didn't think rock, paper, scissors would be appropriate for this?!

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