Chapter Sixty Five

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Arriving home, Emily won the race, unfortunately, Jin came last, and was crowned the ceremonial rotten egg much to the delight of the others.

They all sat around the table, munching on the cake, sipping freshly made coffee, chatting about how Emily's meeting with her brother and his family went.

"So yeah, and I found out my birth mother had schizophrenia, and that's why we were placed in foster care because she was having postpartum psychosis after I was born and everyone thought I was dead once I was adopted. When we were adopted, they couldn't cope with Joseph and just left him on the doorstep of my parents home" Emily said whilst eating a piece of her favourite cake- coffee.

"What?!" The boys all said in unison practically choking on their cake.

"Yeah, the vicar told me, Stuart. My mum used to do the flowers at the church. He told me a bit about my parents and then Joe's parents told me a bit more and gave me a file with copies of all of the official documents they have for him and some photos. It seems I look like my mother in terms of my hair, but more like my father in my face"

Spreading out the photos from the folder she was given. The boys all wiped their hands on napkins and picked one up.

"Wow, you do look like your Mom!" Taehyung held up the photograph next to Emily's face.

"So meeting Joseph, was ok? You're not scared? His family were ok? It all went well?"

"It went fine, his family seem lovely his Mum is called Carol his Dad Oliver which I think I already mentioned and he has three sisters Christi, Eliza and Laura. He's the only one that's adopted. They seem to get on well. They all use sign to communicate with him but speak to him too. They've invited us to a barbecue on Sunday, just them. Maybe their neighbour. They know I have seven soulmates, but I didn't tell them what you did, I think one of the girls is a pretty big fan. I gave them my number and I have theirs. We're going to arrange a suitable time for us to message, so I don't miss the messages and Joe worries"

"You trust them?"

"I do"

"That's all that matters, what time on Sunday?"

"Anytime after 5 pm"

"We will be there!"

"You're sure?"

"Well, we need to meet this brother of yours properly don't we?" Yoongi smiled.


Later that afternoon Emily remembered it was her birthday eve. Grabbing her phone and quickly tapping out a message

Mattie, it's birthday eve, you know what this means right?

All sorted, be over at 7. Have a nap!

Picking up some of Charlotte's toys Emily sat in the garden, the cast iron table and chairs were meant to be white, but over the years the paint had peeled away, leaving them looking rather sad. Throwing the ball, for Charlotte to bring back over and over again, Emily was lost in thought. This morning had been a lot for her mind to process. It had changed her past, and her outlook for the future.

"May I?" Namjoons deep voice brought her out of her daydream. Emily nodded with a smile.
Pulling out one of the heavy chairs, Emily's eyes drifted to his bicep, she could see the muscles even through his t-shirt.

"Are you ok? I mean with everything? It was heartbreaking the things you said" He offered what Emily had come to know as his 'you know you can talk to me' smile.

Emily nodded

"I think so, I mean, I'm really sad and really angry. it's a lot. I'm sad that they looked for me only to be told I was dead. The vicar said she told everyone I was alive, she felt it and no one believed her. They did want me and my brother. I always thought they didn't. Finding out we both shared schizophrenia kind of puts things into perspective a little"

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