Chapter Forty

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Emily was set down on her feet, she walked around the bench, looking in anticipation at what implements they might use on her. She flushed. Turning around There stood a shirtless Hoseok and a shirtless Yoongi. The screen had been moved back and the bench moved so it was more central. Emily's heart was hammering in her chest.

"Babygirl, come here," Yoongi commanded.

As Emily walked across the room and stood in front of him, Hoseok walked behind her undoing her robe and letting it pool at her feet.

"Babygirl, you said you wanted to talk earlier at the company and what was it you called me a shitbag?"

"Oh dear baby brat, I think that we need to discuss your language. Now maybe you need to take the weight off your feet hmm" Yoongi smirked

Hoseok led Emily to the foot of the bench.

"You remember your safe word?"


"Ok. For now, we want you to face down babygirl, so kneel here for me"

As they both took the restraints and lightly fastened them, Emily felt the breeze against her wet, bare pussy. Her nipples ached for touch. This was torturous heaven and with two Of the most unforgiving doms, Emily knew walking out of the room later would be painful.

"So baby girl, I think I counted eight curse words so far, I don't know about you Yoongi but I think the baby girl might enjoy being spanked far too much?"

"Hmm I agree, what did you have in mind?"

"Well I thought for each curse word baby girl here is going to come, and we choose eight different toys to use on her? Hmm, what do you think?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Emily's muffled voice came from the bench.

"Ah Ah Ah baby. We can make it nine?"

"Oh god! Just spank me. Please!" Emily begged

"Baby you are forgetting who is tied to a bench" Hoseok moved to the cabinet in the corner, Emily recognised it by the click it made. She heard him uncap a bottle, her mind was racing.

"First baby, we think you need to relax a little" Yoongi started to rub what Emily thought smelled like her body oil into the top half of her body with Hobi starting at her feet. Their hands moving agonisingly slowly against all of her tense muscles.

They hadn't even touched any of her most sensitive areas, but she was already aching with want for them both. Feeling the heat coming from their hands as they moved them painfully slowly was heaven. Hobi deftly moved up each of her thighs, just brushing her pussy, as Yoongi moved his hands around her breasts not touching her nipples.

Emily was anything but relaxed as if her prayers were answered, a finger slid over her clit making her thighs shudder, at the same time Yoongi's veiny hands swept over her breasts, pinching her nipples.

Hobi didn't waste any time, he quickly flicked his finger over her clit in perfect timing with her nipples being stroked.

Emily could feel her high about to hit her like a truck.

She gasped as she only saw spots, her body spawning as her release dripped down her thighs. Her breathing ragged.

"One. Good girl. Yoongi do you want to choose the next toy?"

Emily heard footsteps, but this time the cabinet didn't open. Emily looked up to see Hoseok's feet in front of her. The breeze hitting her pussy meant Yoongi was behind her.





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