Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

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And then they made us watch a birth video, honestly her asshole was like this big" Jimin finished wide eyed, as Emily narrowed her eyes at him.

"Really? That's what you were looking at? Not the natural miracle of birth and that she was in agony yet she managed to push a beautiful baby out?"

"Well, that too, but then guys as she was pushing she pooped" Jimin laughed

"I swear Ji, when I give birth, I'm sending you to the other end of the planet or I'll be committing murder"

"Will you poop?" Jungkook looked horrified

"Almost every woman poops, they're pushing a watermelon sized baby out, but I'm having a planned c-section so it's unlikely but since I won't be able to feel my bottom half, anything could happen?" Emily rolled her eyes.

"Do you have a birth plan?"

"No I don't need one as it's a c-section. We haven't settled on a date but it will be between 33 and 34 weeks. I'll have steroids before too, to help with their lungs and they'll stay in hospital for a while, to make sure they're at full health"

"And you start your hynobirthing course fully next week?"

"Yes, it's all getting a bit real now"

"The bump wasn't a clue?"

"No I mean I'm actually going to have to go through them being pulled out of me and we're going to have children, children that are going to depend on us for their every need. I just want them to be healthy? What if they have a disability? What if I can't cope? I know they'll always be our babies and always be beautiful but I just don't want to fuck it up!"

"It's ok to be scared, but we will be with you, you'll have every help possible. We're all scared too, but no matter what we will all be together"

"I know. I just feel a bit overwhelmed, like me a Mom, I'm barely even an adult" Emily laughed through her tears.

"Well then we have something in common, we're all new to this, we can all learn together. Ok?"

"Ok. I think I'm going to go to bed. Yoongs?"

"I'll be in soon, I'll rub the cream in for you ok?"

"Ok. Goodnight"

"Goodnight baby, goodnight babies"

"So, Jimin was it really that bad?" Taehyung asked wide eyed.

"Worse, I'm going to have nightmares, it was like a butcher shop had exploded. I honestly do not know how that woman is still alive, and this was her third child, that means she had done this twice before and continued having sex afterward. Women are... I swear they're not human"

"Wow, I've been telling myself not to look up childbirth videos incase I traumatise myself" Jungkook looked concerned.

"Me too"

"Maybe we should just bite the bullet and all watch one caesarean one and thank every god that we never have to go through it"

"I'm going to rub her tummy, Before she shouts me"

"Night Hyung"

"Yoongi?" Emily's voice filtered down the hall.

"I'm coming" he looked back at the others with a 'see' look.

Emily was laid on her bed completely naked.

"I was going to ask if you could turn the air on, I'm boiling" Emily fanned herself.

"Sure" he tapped on the keypad by her door.

"I'll just get ready for bed and then I'll rub the stuff in ok?"

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