Chapter Ninety

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"By the way Emily, if you thought you were being quiet last night, you totally weren't! Get it girl" Mattie high fived a beetroot Emily.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you" Jimin blushed

"You didn't, they just joined the competition" Hoseok deadpanned.

"Oh my god, I forgot you were next door" Mattie smiled awkwardly as Archie looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up.

"Don't worry, I have earplugs! But in front of the babies tsk" Hoseok playfully slapped Archie's back.

"But if you get pregnant while you're here, you have to promise to call your next child after me" he grinned widely.

"Well, that's not going to happen any time soon! I'm still getting over this one so no holes are goals right now. " Mattie pointed at the sleeping baby.

"But he's so cute, and Iris is amazing! I would want a football team if they were all like that!" Jin smiled

"Well, you'll have a 5-aside team and two subs if that helps?" Emily smiled.

"Or if Mattie has another one, we will have ten, which will make a perfect team!"

"Jesus! Let's just plan how many children we're having by what sports teams they can play? Honestly!" Shaking her head at him Emily smiled rolling her eyes.

"We better get ready! Our appointments start in an hour and a half and Archie? Choi will be picking you up in an hour ok?"

"Ok, will he be outside?"

"Yes, he will buzz when he is downstairs, don't look so scared, it'll be fine. If you want to explore or go anywhere else just ask him, he's yours for the day ok? He speaks good English and has the patience of a saint when I butcher the Korean language"

"Boys. Be good for Iris and Alfie!" Emily cackled as she walked down the hall to grab some clothes and get ready upstairs.


"Oh my god Emily, I thought you had left without me!"

"You thought I had left and yet here you are getting a pedicure?"

"You could have flown to the moon and I'd still be here, kid-free, no drool, no screaming, no poop! I'm in heaven"

"Well, I'm hair free from the neck down, she's ripped off my eyebrow stragglers and I've been sat in an ice chamber. So now we can have some lunch and then I've got a facial and a manicure and pedicure. So after that did you want to go and get your dress fitted with Jisoo?"

"Jisoo, like THE Jisoo? Like Jung Jisoo?"

"Yes Hobi's sister made your dress!"

"Oh my god. I'm dead, actually deceased" Mattie fanned herself.

"So is everything ready to go?"

"It is! I just need to get there and marry those fuckers and we're done!"

"Have you signed a prenup?"

"In short no. I brought it up, I get the feeling the company wanted one. But I asked Yoongi if he wanted one and he told me the only thing he would put on it was a full stop and if I asked him again he would tie me to the bed and leave me there. The others said something similar, and Namjoon just frowned at me. Apparently, I'm already in their will, and so are any future children and that's all I need to know"

"Ok then! Well, you're marrying your soulmates. They're so wonderful you know? You're a perfect match! Honestly I love how you bounce off each other!"

"Well we bounced last night" Emily laughed

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now