Chapter Fourteen

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When Emily woke up she had a feeling of deja-vu. Her eyelids were heavy and what was that beeping sound, as reached her arm out to find her phone and turn off her alarm, it collided with a body. Making her turn her head to look she saw Mattie.

This is a dream. Why is Mattie here. Why am I in hospital, this is a dream. I'll just shut my eyes until I wake up.

"NURSE, NURSE, SHE'S AWAKE" Mattie's screaming rudely punctuated her thoughts and as a small army of nurses rushed in, checking the machines beside her, shining lights in her eyes. Emily confirmed within herself. This was infact not a dream.

As Emily realised Mattie was there, but no sign of the boys, her boys, she started to cry, once the tears started it was though a river had been unleashed.

The nurses slowly left, bowing, and closing the door. As Mattie swiftly scooped her best friend into her arms as she sobbed. All Emily could murmur was " they hate me, they don't want me" over and over.

"Who? Who hates you?"

"My boys, they hate me" Emily choked out.

"BTS? Your soulmates? Hate you" Mattie burst into laughter.

"Those bunch of saps couldn't hate you if they tried, you've got them whipped Ems. No, they can't come to the hospital because of paparazzi..."

"Dispatch" Emily corrected

"What?" Mattie looked quizzically

"It's called dispatch over here" Emily said smugly

"Yes, right, and they didn't want to create a media storm, and jeopardise you. So they have been calling every fifteen minutes for updates on you. Seriously Ems. I thought I loved you but shiiiiiit " Mattie laughed.

"What happened, the last thing I remember is reading the messages " Emily began to sob again, throwing her hands down on the bed "all I do is fucking cry, for gods sake, and how the fuck are you here? I'm still in Korea right?"

"Yes Ems, I got to fly private for probably the first and last time, and you are still in Korea, Ok, I'm going to get a coffee, text the boys that you are awake and then we can talk about what happened, and what has happened since you have been in dreamland for six days" Mattie was halfway out of the door.

"SIX DAYS? Oh that would explain why I'm wearing this adult nappy.. oh god someone's changed my nappy" Emily looked down facepalming.

"Yep, oh and you do still fart while you're asleep" as the door closed behind her , Emily was sure she could still hear Mattie cackling down the hall.


As they waited for news on their unconscious soulmate, the boys had used their time to fully research into Emily's family, the messages they had read on her phone peaked their interest. They had instructed Seijin to employ private detectives to scour the archives and present day records. To find out as much as possible about Emily's past and her family.

When Seijin let himself into the boys dorms, on the same morning that Emily had woken up, holding a large box file, he knew what he had to tell them could blow their soulmates world apart, but they had to know and more importantly, she had to know.


The boys faces ranged from disgust, to sadness to anger.

Seijin had slowly looked through and explained every single piece of information his detectives had gathered. Like a jigsaw puzzle being put together before their eyes, a horror story was unfolding. How were they going to be able to tell Emily that almost every trauma she had experienced was a lie. A lie to manipulate her into believing what they wanted her to. A lie that had shaped every thought she had.

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