Chapter Thirty Six

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The days passed and Emily was getting bored, not only was she having to heal from her physical injuries she was healing from her mental ones too, it was exhausting, she didn't even have the energy to watch any tv.

Her mind was also filled with the worry that she had to try and heal her relationship with her angry soulmates.

Over half of them looked at her like they hated her, and the other half treated her like she was going to break or grow another head. She dreaded their visits instead of looking forward to them. Jungkook still hadn't been to visit. Emily wasn't sure what to feel, at least he didn't come and sit in her room and just be angry, but she wanted to see him, to smell him, to touch him.

Emily was scared. Why hadn't she just told them? Why hadn't she just been honest before they came back, the voices, came back? What if they are planning on sending her back to England?

Emily sat in her room and sobbed, she sobbed so hard she thought she might be sick. Her life was in tatters, her Grandmother, the one who had helped her, been by her side, was no longer there. The more she cried the more her ribs hurt. Her face was red, her nose blocked, all she wanted was to be normal. She leaned forward onto her knees, feeling safety in the position.

As another silent scream left her mouth, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her, picking her up from where she knelt and lifting her onto their lap, she sobbed even harder. she knew that smell, even through her blocked nose, those muscular arms that were low enough not to damage her ribs further, it was him, it was Jungkook.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry" she sobbed over and over again.

He stroked her unwashed hair, rocking slowly, his kindness made her cry even more. She just wanted to go home and be with her boys, to begin and repair their fractured relationship. But she knew there was going to be some hard conversations to be had before that could even become a glimpse of reality. Emily wasn't sure if she was ready for those.

As she slowly cried herself to sleep encased in Jungkooks warmth, she didn't notice the tears coating her hair, dripping from his dark eyes. As he saw his soulmates' true pain, she wasn't a vindictive liar, she was trying to protect herself.

He didn't know what the future held for any of them, but he knew, they needed their Queen by their side and he wanted her there for the rest of their lives.


Emily woke with a start, there were voices in her room. Probably just the doctors again. She snuggled back into her pillow until her pillow chuckled and rubbed her back. She realised she wasn't lying down, she was sitting up, wrapped around someone like a koala on a branch.

"Emily, we think we all need to talk, don't you? We arranged this session, you said it was ok, remember?" Yoongi asked his voice firm.

Emily nodded her head into her human pillow.

"Emily, we're all here, come on, we can't move forward if you don't talk" her human pillow rumbled above her. Peeking upwards she saw it was Jungkook, he was still there.

"All of you?" She whispered he nodded an answer as Emily turned to face her soulmates.

She immediately dropped her gaze to the floor, she felt embarrassed, and stupid, especially knowing they were still angry at her. She didn't know what to say or where to start. The door to her private room opened as her psychiatrist Grace, walked in with an iPad in her hand.

"Right, good, everyone's here. Emily, I'm going to mediate , but it's time you spoke to your soulmates. They need to hear the truth just as much as you need to unburden yourself. Ok?" She smiled tentatively at the girl, who looked
almost impossibly smaller in Jungkooks lap.

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