Fifteen Years Later

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"You've got everything?"

"Yes Eomma"

"And if you need anything you will call us?"

"Yes Eomma"

"And you will be sensible, and make good choices?"

"Yes Eomma"

"Make sure you eat well"

"Yes Eomma" Daisy smiled impatiently

As the airport tannoy called Daisy's flight and Emily said her final goodbyes. Daisy turned to leave, before turning back and hugging Emily tightly.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me
Mum, I'll be back soon and visit you all ok? I'll call every week"

"I love you my girl and I'm so proud of you"

"I love you too. Make sure you look after the others, and make sure no one raids my wardrobe"

"I will. Now go, go on or I'll kidnap you and lock you in the basement so you can never leave"

"Bye Appa, I love you"

"Bye darling, be good, and remember"

"If I can't be good be careful"

As Daisy went along the line of her seven Fathers saying goodbye, Emily sobbed. Daisy had got herself a place on a fashion degree course in Japan. She had worked so hard and she really was incredibly talented often making her own clothes or clothes for her siblings and Emily knew she had to let go, but she didn't want to. This was her first little chick flying the nest.

As Daisy rounded the corner and stopped to wave, Emily was sure she saw her headstrong baby shed a few tears. Emily couldn't be sure because her own tears were falling so quickly.


"One down, seven to go, until I can get my cat" Jimin smiled.

"If it meant the other seven would never leave I would buy you an entire cattery" Emily sobbed into Namjoon's suit jacket.

"At least we have an entire week until Felix leaves, and Lucy is staying at home until she's 104"

"She can stay as long as she wants to"

Felix had chosen to go to England and attend a University in London to study to be an architect, it was an eight year course
including an apprenticeship . Emily worried for him, but he was immensely passionate about buildings and incredibly independent.

Lucy however wanted to be a veterinarian, and had chosen to study in Seoul, much to Emily's absolute delight. She had always adored animals and as soon as she had turned fourteen had volunteered at the local animal shelter.

She brought home baby birds that needed round the clock feeding and never complained once about getting up with them, and the pond had practically grown into a duck sanctuary, with the unwanted babies she brought home, she had built them an enclosure and made sure they were fed and that they had plenty of plants to hide in. She used her pocket money to buy their food and did extra chores for any medical care.

The garden also now had chickens, that were solely Lucy's responsibility, although the younger children loved accompanying her to collect the warm eggs and she had been training them to take over their care once she was at university a lot.

Emily couldn't believe she had children old enough to leave home, her body felt old but her mind still felt like she was in her twenties.

"Right, I've taken the day off work, so how about we all go and laze around the pool? Until the little ones finish school" Namjoon smiled.

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