Chapter Thirty

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Emily was thrilled to be surrounded by her boys in the great outdoors. It was cold but Emily loved it, they hiked, they cooked, they played by the river, and of course, they had lots of sex. They could have been any other soulmates.

Emily was currently in bed with Jimin and Jungkook, they both wanted cuddles from her. Emily was feeling needy, it seemed the more sex she had, the more sex she craved. She hadn't brought up having sex with more than just one of the present.

'Just who am I and what have I done with the Emily that landed in South Korea?' Emily thought as she fantasised about the two men surrounding her.

She didn't want to bring it up, in case they disapproved. What if they judged her? Was she judging herself or was she simply worried?

"Babygirl what are you thinking about so hard?" Jungkook asked breaking Emily out of her thoughts.

"Oh, Erm nothing" Emily squirmed between the two men's hold on her.

"If it's got your squirming like this, I don't think it's nothing, what do you think Jimin?" Jungkook smirked.

"I agree, maybe we should tease the answer out of you, hmm baby what do you say?" Before Emily could answer Jimin was placing torturously slow kisses on her neck and Jungkook slowly kissed and nibbled on the shell of her ear.

Emily was in heaven, she didn't want them to stop. But that's exactly what they did. She let out an involuntary whine at the lack of contact.

"Was baby enjoying us both touching her? I think she was Jungkook. Maybe that's what she was thinking about?"

"Babygirl were you fantasising about us both? Are you too embarrassed to tell us what you want? What about if we licked your nipples in sync? Hmm?"

Emily's face was now bright red, but she had nowhere to hide her face. So she just nodded lightly.

"Use your words baby, what do you want me and Jungkook to do to you?"

"Iwantyouboth" Emily almost whispered.

"But you have us both baby girl we're right here" Jungkook smirked knowing exactly what she meant but wanting to tease her a little longer.

"I wondered if, I wanted you to, Erm, both have sexwithmeatthesametime" Emily spluttered out, turning her face so she almost buried in Jimin's chest.

"Oh baby, why didn't you just say so. You want me and Kookie to make you feel good?" Jimin chuckled, his chest vibrating against Emily's forehead as she nodded.

"Ok baby girl, are you going to lay back for us? and we'll make you feel good" Jungkook smiled.

The boys were all waiting for Emily to suggest multiple sex, they all knew it would happen eventually and none of them was against it, but they didn't know how Emily felt, they didn't want to bring it up and feel like she was pushed into pleasing them. Jungkook and Jimin both knew she was feeling needy and thought cuddling her might bring her out of her shell. They had agreed to make her first time as a trio as good as possible for her.

As Emily lay back on the bed, the two men started to remove her clothes, so slowly she wanted to just rip them off her, each of them planted small kisses completely in sync on each small patch of bare skin they uncovered. Until she was left in just her bra and panties.

"Kook, I think we're a little overdressed for this, don't you?" Jimin smirked as he started to remove his shirt, pulling it over his head. Emily's hand flew to his abs, her fingers trailed the toned lines, as Jungkook did the same, she felt like a kid in a candy store, she didn't what do touch first.

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