Chapter Twenty Seven

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Emily had been making so many improvements to herself, but there was one thing, one thing that was constantly gnawing away at the back of her mind other than her secret.


They hadn't done anything sexual, they kissed, they hugged, he cuddled her on the couch, he even slept in her bed, he was an extremely touchy person not with just her but the other boys too, but that was as far as it ever went.

He didn't even seem to physically stop himself from more happening, it just never did. Emily didn't want to bring it up with him, and for him to feel like she was pressuring him because she wasn't, she was just worried.

Maybe he didn't want her like that? Maybe she wasn't what he wanted physically? Maybe she should speak to one of the other guys? But she didn't want to talk about him behind his back.

As Emily walked into her bedroom, she put her bag down, and a small envelope on her bed caught her eye.

Her name was on the front in beautiful calligraphy, as she turned to open it, she worried who it could be from? It could be from her parents. Oh no, how would they get in here?

But, as took the card from inside, her heart felt like it would burst, it was from him, Taehyung. A beautiful pen sketch of a wooden cabin surrounded by trees. With what she assumed to be her and Taehyung at the entrance, the other boys were dotted around the picture.

She turned the card over, to see a message...

"Emily, my love,

Pack your luggage, we are going away for a week. Just us for the first few days and then the rest of the guys will join us with the fluffy gang.

Pack some warm clothes and some boots, and don't forget some lingerie 😉 I'll take care of the rest.


Tae x

P.S there's hardly any phone signal where we are going so make sure you message Mattie and let her know, so she doesn't call the police."

Emily was so excited she felt like she could burst. As she read the last bit, her stomach lurched. Mattie.

Since Mattie left, they hadn't spoken, just the odd text here and there. Emily wasn't sure if she was embarrassed for the way she behaved or if it was a simple case of "out of sight, out of mind" but she mentally promised herself she needed to be there for her best friend, as she had been for her.

She pressed FaceTime and as the screen lit up, Mattie's sleepy face came in to view.

"Ems what's up are you ok?"

"Oh shit sorry, I always forget about the time difference! I'll call back later"

"No, no it's fine. Don't worry, I'll just go into the lounge so I don't wake Archie though" Mattie whispered into the phone rustled as she trudged through and heavily sat on her sofa.

"So, stranger, what's going on with you and the megastars? Did you tell them yet?" Mattie smirked

"I know I'm sorry, I really should keep in touch more. Just after everything with my parents and.." Emily explained

"I know, I know. I should keep in touch more too, I've been so caught up with work and planning the IVF schedule and.."

"Wait? IVF? When did this happen?"

"Well, that's what I had to leave you for when I flew over. I had an appointment with a specialist, I'm sure I told you? But anyway, apparently we're both able to have children, but I don't have as many eggs as they would like. So they're going to extract them, do the dance with no pants in a lab jar and then pop them back in me!"

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