Chapter Fifty Seven

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Emily sat at her desk arranging the paperwork. Visas, passports, boarding passes, vaccination certificates, booking confirmation for the rental cars. Charlotte's passport and travel documents, her vaccination records.

Her packing lists were all neatly stacked, she had the rest of the day to pack what she could for them all. Then she was going surprise them when they returned, she had it all planned out.

She had recently booked an appointment and spoken with PD Bang and got them all a month off, as long as they promised to do their Weverse posts and V-lives, and work on the things they could. Choi and Han were to accompany them, and they had to try and keep their whereabouts as secret as possible.

When Emily had left his office after all of the tough negotiations he smiled, the boys had someone who would fight for them to have a normal life. Who didn't care about their money, or their fame. Who didn't know the words to their songs, but still supported them with her whole heart. Who was as strong as they were and Who loved them all, enough to argue with their boss to be able to make plans for them.


The boys had a long day, as they all trudged back into the dorms, they were all exhausted. met with the smell of food, they smiled but there were suitcases by the door, and British flags decorating almost everywhere.

"EMILY?" Jin shouted

"Yes?" Came a voice from the kitchen.

"What is going on?" Yoongi wandered through to the kitchen rolling his eyes, the kitchen decorated with yet more flags, and on the table were plates of freshly battered fish, perfectly browned chips and a bowl of what looked like green sludge.

"I have a surprise for you... we're going to England in three days!"

"But we can't, I already spoke with Bang and we're too busy and we haven't got any travel documents" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows huffing his frustration, at his soulmate.

"Ah yes, you did. But after me. I already arranged an entire month off with him. He sends his apologies for lying to you, but I wanted to surprise you all!"

"You little sneak" Jungkook picked up Emily by her waist spinning her around.

"What about our travel documents?" Hoseok's eyebrows were set in a deep frown.

"Ok. I've got all our documents, passports, travel and health insurance documents, rental cars are booked, your drivers licenses, Charlotte's papers and I've even packed most of your things. You just need to finish them off. Choi and Han are packed and ready to go too. Oh and Mr Bang has very kindly given me the use of the company jet. So we have a layover for around an hour in Turkey, for refuelling. But that's all"

"Babygirl, you really are an enigma! You know that!" Yoongi smiled, shaking his head.

"Erm Emily? What is that green stuff? It looks like something from Shrek!" Taehyung grimaced at the bowl.

"It's mushy peas, an English delicacy served with fish and chips!"

"Wait a minute, you took our drivers licenses?" Yoongi growled taking out his wallet and looking at the empty slot.

"Yup, just this morning, you were all showering, I felt like a ninja, I even hummed the mission
Impossible theme. You all had a driver, so I knew you wouldn't need it, and I bet none of you missed it! If Namjoon drove, I wouldn't have made it in time!"

"You little... ooofff!" Jimin laughed.


Emily wiggled in her seat, she couldn't wait for the boys to see her Grandmothers home, her Grandmother had always had a stone and wood shed at the bottom of the garden and Emily had arranged for it to be renovated, into more of a small self contained bedroom, complete with a bathroom and a small kitchen area.

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