Chapter Sixty

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The next week sped past in a whirlwind of eating, sleeping and cuddling baby Iris, whilst also catching up with Mattie. Each time Emily looked at Iris it was almost like a hook was attached in her lower stomach and it gave a sharp pull. Is this what feeling broody feels like? Emily wondered.

"So what do you have planned this week?" Mattie questioned.

"It's more what don't we have planned! We have the Lego centre, the aquarium, art galleries, museums, a trip on a steam railway, a football ground private tour, and then finally a cinema date night and I've organised a private room at that fancy restaurant in town, you know with the chef you like?"

"Oooh, posh! You're going to be going back to Korea for a rest at that rate!"

"I know but I want to show them everything! It's been so difficult to organise so no one else is around, and making sure that there are security and stuff. I've had to have the company call everywhere first. I had to plan our itinerary to the last hour"

"Hmm, can I ask you something? So they're platonic soulmates right?"

"Yeah, so, when we got our soulmates all tested. They're all bonded kind of like soul brothers but they're all connected by me, their "true" soulmate. When they met each other their soul marks changed slightly with each person, but it never became coloured, so they knew they shared one soulmate, but they didn't know if there were any more platonic soulmates to add"

"And is there?"

"No, apparently the bond has sealed, I can't believe she got all of this information from this" raising her arm, her soul mark gleamed.

"So they've never... you know?"

"Apparently not. Said it's not their thing with each other. I dunno? I like that they're as close as they are"

"It's so weird that you were always fated to be together. Do you ever just want to research that shit? Like how did your genetics know you would meet them? How did theirs? You're not even on the same continent!"

"I know! If I think too much about it, I'll go insane. Soul marks are nuts, like imagine being fated with a really shit person, or what if you never find your soulmate?" Mattie showed off her soulmark a large Iris crawling up her arm - hence her babies name, with a smaller Iris bud coming off of it.

Usually when soulmates have a baby together, a new smaller addition would appear on their soulmark. Emily wasn't sure if using someone else eggs would change that, she would maybe have to ask Yoona about that.

"I couldn't imagine never finding mine. Archie completes me. He's like the other half I didn't know was missing. Same with your guys, they're like your missing pieces"

"It's true. Apparently, there's a woman in Germany with fifteen soulmates. Multiples are becoming more common as social
media has made it easier for people to find each other. I'm just glad that we can communicate."

"Yeah their English is getting so much better than when you first met and your Korean is amazing! Can you Imagine someone dropping in your dm's all like 'Hi, so Myself and your fourteen soulmates are waiting for you here in Timbuktu, could you pick up some bread on your way?' God imagine it"

"They've worked hard, at first it was hard, sometimes though if I talk too fast they just zone out. I had to learn, I couldn't expect everyone to understand me, especially with this accent. It's getting easier. I suppose that's better than the way we did it with my fake job advert! It makes me cringe, I had no idea who they were then! Famous idols and me" Emily laughed.

"Do you never get sick of that stuff? Like them being famous?"

"No, I'm never really involved so much in that stuff, sometimes I wish we could go out whenever we want to, without security but I know how much they love doing what they do. They worked so hard to get here, they properly struggled. I'd never ask them to give it up in a million years"

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