Chapter One Hundred and Ten

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It had been a week since Emily started the medication, and the doctor was not wrong. She was horny morning, noon and night. Even so much as going over a small bump in the road made her feel like she needed to come.

The boys were mildly enjoying the fact that she was so needy. They were also thankful there was seven of them. Emily and the boys had, had sex almost everywhere, their cars, the company, the dorms, and in Hoseok's parents' bathroom.

This week the boys were taking Emily on a date each day. It would be their last date before she was pregnant, and they wanted to document it.

Tonight it was Taehyung's date, telling her to dress casually and warm, he had picked her up in his car, and driven her to where their new home was being built, just as the sun was setting.

Looking over Seoul was the tiniest picnic table, with two seats, and a picnic set out ready for them. Tiny fairy lights made a pathway toward the table. Emily burst into tears.

"What's wrong? Do you not like it?"

"No I love it, I love you" Emily smiled.

"Oh thank god" Taehyung grinned pressing his phone to begin a playlist.

As they sat and fed each other the picnic and chatted, Taehyung always made Emily giggle, but he also had some absolutely amazing views on things Emily had never even thought of. She was in awe of him.

Finishing their food, he held his hand out for Emily to take. Slowly walking back to the car, Emily had an idea, she ran ahead, opening the back car door and jumping in, she pushed the seats down so they were flat, and laid out her blanket.

"Mr Kim? Will you fuck me?"She smiled as he opened the car door to see what she was doing.

"I thought you could maybe wait until we got home?" He smiled

"Maybe a preview?" She pouted

"You win. But you better do that thing you do with your tongue..."

"I will I promise, I only want some nipple and clit action, I can wait until we get home for more" she pleaded

"God Ems, you're a nightmare"

"I'll even let you come where you want to?"


"Really! And we can try that new toy I got on you"

"You better get your pants off for me baby girl or I'm going to shred them"


"I think I'm dead, actually dead" Taehyung walked into the kitchen the next morning, his eyes still half-closed.

"You look like crap" Yoongi laughed.

"She's like an animal. Every time I tried to sleep, she ended up making me come again"

"Did you sleep at all?"

"I don't think so, I'm not sure if I passed out or not"

"Ok. We better get going, but it's my night tonight, Kook, Yoongi hyung fancy wearing our little dragon out later?" Hoseok grinned.

"I'm in"

"Yep, I'm in"

"I'll let her know later, once she's woken up properly"

"I'm going to bed so early. As soon as I'm done today, I'm going to bed. I can't even drive I'm so tired"

"The problems of having a horny soulmate" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Hey wait until your night, seriously she is like a never-ending come machine, her vibrator ran out of charge last night, and she said her others apparently aren't strong enough" Taehyung whined.

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now