Chapter One Hundred

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"There's how many species of crab?"

"Over 4,500 known. Did you know the largest species is the Japanese spider crab that can be 12ft or more from tip to tip of their front claws"

"Jesus, that's like two of you laying down! Terrifying!"

"The smallest is the pea crab, it's only a few millimetres"

"Wow! That's tiny!"

"My favourite is a ghost crab"

"Are those here?"

"Yes, they're the ones that scuttle across the sand, their lighter than most crabs"

"You know so much about them!"

"Whenever we're near the sea I always look for them. I love lifting up a tiny rock and seeing what's underneath"

"You're so cute! Now I'll do that whenever I'm near the sea , just so I can take a picture for you!"

"Look! That ones got a house on its back" Emily pointed at the crab shuffling along with an enormous shell on it.

"A hermit crab. I think if I was a crab I'd want to always have my house with me, so I can go to sleep and not get eaten. No one ever wants to catch a hermit crab to eat"

"That's very true"

"Yoongi said he got you some snorkelling things, would you like to go?"

"I'd love to. Luckily for you I thought you would say that. So I packed them ready" Emily held up her bag.

"Let's go then" Namjoon held his bag up.


" I can't believe it let me touch it. Like an actual fish!"

"I know! There were so many! I'm so glad I had my underwater pouch for my camera"

"Me too! Argh this holiday has been the best already and we still have another week" Emily twirled around on the white sand.

Emily looked at Namjoon who had his camera pointed at her.

"Jooooonie! Let's take a selfie together!" Emily bounced over and jumped on his back as he took pictures, guessing where their heads would be.

"Shall we go have lunch? It's getting pretty hot out here?"

"That sounds good, I suppose it is the middle of the day! Eurgh I wish I lived in a country where I could have a nap in the afternoon everyday! I love naps. I can't believe I avoided them so much as a child" Emily laughed.

"I like naps with you" Namjoon smiled.

"I like naps with you"

"If you had to choos..."

"Nope, don't ask me! I will not choose between you and naps. I don't want to hurt your feelings" Emily laughed as she ran down the beach, Namjoon chasing her.

"Did you make this?" Emily frowned

"Oh no, I ordered it for us earlier"

"Well, it looks delicious" Emily smiled at her grilled chicken salad. It was so easy to eat well here. It was so hot that salad and fruit were the things she craved and she could order whatever she fancied and it would arrive always tasting amazing.

"Mmmm, this is so good. I never thought I'd enjoy salad"

"The foods delicious here isn't it" Namjoon asked through a forkful of his food.

"Mmmm. It's all so fresh" Emily smiled.

The two chatted about plans once they returned to South Korea, Emily had meetings about her books and a possible sequel set.
They had a home to build, a baby or two to plan and make and the boys had comeback, which meant Emily might be lucky to see them at Christmas for a few days but until maybe mid-spring they would be busier than ever. They were signing new product contracts almost every week, and everyone wanted to work with them.

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