Chapter Twenty Three

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As Hoseok walked back into the room, closing the door with a click, Emily lay there naked her hard nipples peaked by the anticipation, her core already throbbing for his touch.

He stepped towards Emily, gently binding her hands and fixing them to the bed frame above her head, moving down he did the same to each leg but fixed them apart.

As he moved next to her as he spoke: "Babygirl do you remember your safe words?"

Emily nodded eagerly "green go, orange slow down and red stop"

"So if you want me to stop you say...?" Hoseok asked

"Red" Emily was excited, far too excited.

"Ok baby, now I'm going to blindfold you for your punishment. Because you've been a bad girl and disobeyed me ok?" Hoseok rasped next to her ear


"Ok, what? What do you call me when doing this?"

"Ok Daddy" Emily's eyes glowed at him as if committing his face to memory.

"Good girl" As he tied the blindfold securely. Emily wiggled her hips, Hoseok started slowly running his fingertips up her thighs, stroking every inch of her with his fingertips lightly.

He avoided her nipples and her core but stroked so close to them that Emily was panting with want.

"Hobi please Daddy" Emily moaned just as Hoseok picked up a flogger.

He stroked Emily with the leather strands. Slowly allowing them to drag behind the handle, over her core, her nipples, her thighs, and the slowly swung the flogger against her clit like a pendulum. Emily struggled against her restraints.

The assault on her senses continued for what felt like hours to Emily, she craved release. He never once raised the flogger, just gently tapped it against her most sensitive areas. Dragging it, almost as lightly as a feather. She wanted to touch him or to at least close her legs to allow some friction, but she couldn't.

Emily finally felt a prodding at her entrance, as Hoseok inserted the toy he had taken from her previously. He turned it on as low as possible, as he made sure it was snuggly against her clit.

As he removed her blindfold, he leant forward and kissed her, slowly kissing down her neck, placing open-mouthed kisses on her collarbones and slowly taking his time to get to her nipples that were begging for attention.

The knot in Emily's stomach began to snap, her back arching off the bed, as Hoseok continued to suckle on one her nipples, using his other hand to roll the other. Emily was in heaven as she came hard and fast, pushing the toy out of her as she came.

"Please I want you inside of me" she begged Hoseok, who quickly removed his remaining clothing, and climbed between her legs. Turning the toy off ,discarding it and lining himself up.

"You're sure?" Were his last words before She nodded and he swiftly filled her aching pussy. He pistoned his hips, their bodies crashing together as Emily bucked her hips into his. This wasn't making love, this was fucking. Emily felt as though she was going to pee herself
"Hobi stop, I need to pee"
"No you don't, just let go" he panted as he thrust in and out of her.

Emily lost herself in her pleasure and another wave of pure pleasure washing over her she came, spraying his lower half and the bed with her juices.

"Shit shit shit, I peed, did I pee? Oh my god, I'm so sorry" Emily hid her face behind her hands.

"Holy fuck, no you didn't pee, you squirted. Fuck that's so hot!" Hoseok laughed, as he reached for his T-shirt to clean himself up.

"Really?" Emily managed to squeak out.

"Now I think we both need a bath. Wait there I'll go run one for us" Hoseok walked off chuckling to himself.

"How come you came back early anyway?" Emily shouted.

"Because I didn't have practice, I was walking the dogs, it was just Yoongi, Jimin and Jin"

"So where is everyone else?" Emily enquired praying Hoseok didn't say what she thought would come out of his mouth

"Babygirl they're all home, they're probably either taking a very cold shower or spending some quality time with their hands" He laughed walking back through the doorframe with a smirk on his face.

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