Chapter Fifty

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Emily woke the next morning. Her head still heavy and with absolutely no recollection of how she got from the hotel to her room. She remembers a doctor being and some of the conversation. But not much else, her head felt as though it was filled with fog.

As she lifted her head up and slammed it back down onto her pillow, her pillow yelped.

"Oh God, fucking hell! Jin? How did I get here? How did you get here? Oh god I feel like someone has vacuumed all of my energy out of me. My arms feel like lead. My eyes hurt"

"Would you let me help you take a bath, and then we can sit down in the lounge. I think we all need to talk? Hmm?"

"Will there be food?" Emily asked seriously.

"Yes, there will be food!" Sometimes he honestly thought Emily would trade them all in for food.

"Ok, why do you need to help me take a bath again?" Emily deadpanned

"Doctors orders, now are you taking your pyjamas off or am I?" He smiled looking her up and down.


Emily was sat on the sofa in clean pyjamas and her robe. Jin had washed her hair, her body and her face. He had helped her brush her teeth. He refused to get in the bath with her. Even towel drying every inch of her. Emily was embarrassed, she hadn't shaved her legs in weeks and decided to wait a few weeks until she was feeling better and get a wax instead of struggling or asking one of the boys.

Emily was just starting to fall asleep again as she was hoisted up and sat on someone's lap. Jimin.

"I've missed you" he whispered in her ear as her head rolled back onto his shoulder, her eyes closed.

"...and she's asleep again, we managed, an hour?" Laughed Jin sighing with a smile, looking at his watch.


"Emily, baby? Foods here"

"Food? Where's food?" Emily snuffled into Jimin's neck where she had been sleeping for the last hour.

"Emily it's right here. We got your favourite" Taehyung sang.

"Is it McDonald's? If not, I'm not moving an inch"

"McDonald's, and a milkshake from your favourite shop to take your vitamins with"

As Emily turned around seven smiling faces greeted her, she felt like a shy child and needed a pair of legs to hide behind.

"Baby, you're going to have to get up, I need the bathroom" Jimin pouted, pleading with her to move.

Before Emily could stand up, she was picked up and sat in someone else's lap, Hobi. She frowned at him, but didn't move.

"Babygirl we will talk about things later, but you sit right there and eat your breakfast. Ok?" His dominating tone made Emily sit still and begin eating. She hated that he had that effect on her, but loved it all the same. The food made her feel sick, so she managed less than half before putting it on the coffee table.


Yoongi calmly explained what the doctor has said and the advice he had given. Whilst Emily was rather attached to Sora, she did understand the doctors reasoning for suggesting the change, and she was still
angry that her medication could be changed so easily.

"So you have four weeks of us looking after you" Jimin said enthusiastically, Emily's face dropped.

"But what about when Mattie visits? What am I going to do then?"

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