Chapter Two

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Emily POV

A week after applying for jobs and still I was looking for something, anything, just to show my landlord I could afford my rent, but nothing, plenty of rejection emails, but no acceptances.

I had agreed to let my best friend Mattie- she was born Matilda French, but Mattie fits her outgoing attitude so much better, buy me some lunch. Thankfully she had the day off from her job at an Estate Agents.

When she arrived with boxes of steaming noodles I could have cried, I haven't had a hot and tasty meal in weeks. Just bits of what was left in the cupboard.

As she set all of the boxes out on my coffee table, with those flimsy throw away chopsticks, that I don't know how to use, I heard a knock at my door, dreading who it was I slowly opened my front door a crack to see a smiling man in suit holding several envelopes, my first thought was that he wanted money from me, a bailiff come to take all of my possessions that would probably only come to a few hundred pounds, if that.

But he asked if I was Emily Potts, and if I had recently applied for a job? I laughed and told him I'd applied for hundreds so he may need to be more specific.

He asked if it was ok to come in, I was concerned, letting a stranger into my home, as much as it maybe sparse and there's only one large room in my studio, I still didn't like letting people invade my space.

I remembered Mattie was sitting on my sofa so at least I would have some form of back up, so I invited him in, he showed me a badge on the way past Big something or other, his photo and his name?? I barely caught any of it to be honest.

As he sat down Mattie covered the boxes and huffed loudly at being interrupted.

He explained he had a visa for me, and an appointment card for a private doctor the next morning, and if I could be packed within three days the job was mine... the job in South Korea.

I got the job, he had plane tickets, a contract for me to read and I could sign it once I arrived and a bundle of paperwork for a bank account, a new phone package and a vehicle that would be in my name.

I sat starring at him, as though a camera crew was about to burst through the door to tell it was all a prank. Mattie looked like she could burst with shock or anger that I hadn't told her, I wasn't so sure.


Well at least I knew which Mattie was thinking at least.

"I...I....I" my mouth opened and closed like a fish, I didn't even know how to think, let alone talk.

The man stood up and nervously side stepped passed Mattie, while offering his apologies and his congratulations, while hastily making for the door, obviously feeling awkward.

"WELL?" Mattie said as she crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.

I explained the situation as best I could, I mean I was shellshocked I had absolutely no idea what to do other than I had 3 days to pack up and head to Manchester Airport, to be someone's companion.

I really should have thought this through, what does companion even mean, oh no, oh no no no no.

Matties shrill laughter brought me out of my thoughts.. she was reading the paperwork I had been given

"Honestly Ems if you get paid this much just to keep somebody company, if you don't say yes, I'm stealing your identity and going instead. I'm sad your leaving, but honestly I think you need this" her lips formed a little pout as she tucked her bright red ended hair behind her ear.

I would miss her, so much, I hadn't really thought of it when applying but, I didn't speak any Korean, I didn't even know what money I would need to change the amount in my bank account into. Why am I so ignorant? Why do I not know these things?

"Ooooh you might see BTS! Or TXT! Or BLACKPINK..." Mattie was reeling off names of something, bands maybe? I know she liked listening to music..

"B. T who?" She looked at me like I had sworn to sell her first born to the devil and dived at my iPad. She typed something in and then showed me 7 men who after reading their Wikipedia page I now know are BTS or Bangtan Sonyeondan. When I was looking at all the photos Mattie insisted I looked at to show me who was who, I started to feel fuzzy, and like my heart had little tiny strings pulling from it. I figured it was just the shock. Hopefully not a heart attack.

After we ate, I was so full, Mattie put the leftovers in my fridge, I swear she ordered extra because she knew I didn't have very much food, it started to sink in, three days, three full days and I was going to be on a plane, on a plane for 12 hours to another country, a country that I didn't speak the language, my red waist length curly hair, freckles and blue eyes would stand out more than they do here in rainy Manchester.

Three days....

??? POV

After we finished the meeting all we could think of was her,

what if we didn't find her this way? What next?

What if we did find her? What next?

Did she know about us, did she not want soulmates, our soulmate marks were still black and bright meaning we knew she was alive.

No one slept, well, except Yoongi, he could sleep through a hurricane and come out the other side unscathed!

We didn't know how long it would take, a week, a month, a year.

We had photoshoots scheduled and dance practices that we hoped would keep all of minds occupied.

2 days later

Sejin, our manager burst through the dance studio doors clutching several pieces of paper, out of breath and wide eyed "we think we've found her, we think we've found your soulmate boys"

We all gathered around the table and looked at the photo knowing it was her, her red Riotous curls, her freckles across the bridge of her nose, her eyes sparkling like the sea and her smile, a photo smile, not a natural one, but still a smile. Lips I knew we couldn't wait to each taste,but it was her, the final piece to our puzzle. Emily Potts from Manchester, England.

Reading her cv it seemed as though she had taken jobs to keep money coming in rather than because she wanted a career in that field. Did our soulmate struggle? We all knew what it was like to struggle for money, to have to work hard , but the thought of our soulmate having to do it alone made our hearts hurt, we wanted her to be happy, doing something she wanted to do.

At least now, with our help, she can. The investigator we sent said she had a small studio apartment, and that her rent was paid on a month by month basis, he was worried as he knew her job was a zero hour contract and the shop she worked at was currently closed. Is that why she took this job, because she was desperate?

I knew we all had come to the same sad conclusion looking around the faces at the table.

But I knew once she was here, things would be better, for all of us.

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