Chapter One Hundred and Four

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"How did you sleep so well?" Taehyung groaned rubbing his neck.

"I don't know, why?"

"She's like a footballer, and I'm the ball. I'm going to have bruises everywhere!"

"But she loves you" Emily tried to contain her laughter.

"And she's a star cock blocker!"

"Shhh, she repeats stuff now and I see someone has been picking up words from Mattie!"

"Oh yes and she taught me what was it.. err Mad fer it, sound, do one and what was the other one? Oh yeah Mardy Bum!" His accent making Emily giggle.

"Oh god! Did she play the song?"

"She did! It was good and Mr Brightside"

"My favourite, I think I only like songs that can be sung in an full pub of drunk people and still sound good"

"Does that mean ours?"

"Erm... maybe?"

"Does that mean no?" Taehyung pulled Emily onto his lap tickling her as she squealed.


"Titttttle me too!"


"You really think she's doing ok? She seems to be ok, better than when her Grandmother passed. I'm so scared incase that happens again. Especially after her hard work" Yoongi sat clutching his coffee, talking to Mattie.

"She seems better, but when her Grandmother passed she didn't have any of you here for support, and she wasn't taking her medication either"


"She isn't shutting you out, and she's doing everything she is supposed to. We all know the signs to look out for, she is probably is as concerned as you are"

"That's true, thank you for everything, you know you're a good friend not just to Emily to all of us"

"Well, I've got to get my merch some how" Mattie laughed.

"But seriously, Emily couldn't wish for more supportive, loving husbands, you're good friends to us, and she's the best friend I could ever wish for"

"Who we talking about!"


"No wonder my ears are on fire"

"What do have planned for today little one?" Yoongi pulled Emily onto his lap sitting at the kitchen table.

"I am going to my parents offices to see what I can find there, I've got a meeting with the lawyers and the accountants and then I'm going to the funeral directors. The other boys are helping with the house clearance"

"Would you like some company to your meetings?"


"Yes, I would like to hold your hand and be by your side"

"Ok then, well Choi is with us today, Han is with the boys and Yang is staying with Mattie to help with child and animal care"

"Ok then I'll go get and get showered and dressed, we'll get something to eat whilst we're out, but here finish my coffee and eat some biscuits with your meds"

"Thank you Yoongi. I love you" Emily kissed his cheek.

"I love you too"


"Right so, we've ticked off everywhere except the funeral directors and that isn't for another few hours, so how about I take my wife out for some lunch?"

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