Chapter Forty Eight

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Emily and the boys had been back at home for a few weeks. The dogs had gone back to the boys' families as they were incredibly busy.

When they returned, Emily had spoken to them as she kept having a strange feeling she was being watched and had seen the same face outside the dorms, Big Hit and when she was out and about, she even swore she saw him in Busan. She wasn't sure if it was an actual feeling or her schizophrenia, but it felt different from when she was ill.

She contacted Sora and explained and he decided to increase her medication with the boys' permission. Unfortunately, the side effects meant Emily had the sex drive and sleeping needs of a sloth. If in doubt as to where she was, the boys usually found her asleep.

Even when she did feel like having sex she couldn't climax and it ended up being more frustrating than not doing it at all.

She still had her counselling sessions and her Korean lessons, but that feeling never left her. She made sure both Choi and Han were always close and asked them to sit with her when she had coffee after her sessions to try and ease her mind.

The boys were worried, they were worried Emily was beginning another episode, but she wasn't exhibiting the usual symptoms according to Sora and increasing her medication had only made the situation worse.

Emily was plain frustrated and when Hoseok ate the last tub of ice cream in the freezer. Emily lost her shit.

"What the fuck?!" Emily screeched slamming the freezer door.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook frowned.

"What's wrong?! I left my ice cream in the freezer and some selfish prick has eaten it"

"Oh was it yours? I'm sorry! I didn't know, I'll grab more" Hoseok apologetically explained.

"You know that one is mine. For god's sake! What do I have to do put my fucking name on it?"

"Emily calm down, I didn't mean to it was an accident"

"Do. Not. Tell me to calm down. Oh, crazy Emily she already thinks she has a stalker now she's losing her mind over ice cream. Fuck off Hoseok. Just fuck off!"

"Emily, there's no need to speak to me like that. You know that's not what we think"

"Really? So why haven't you given a shit? Why is the only person you've spoken to is my fucking therapist and why did you sign the form agreeing to increase my meds? Which have turned me into a fucking zombie"

"We do give a shit, but you know you don't think rationally when you're ill"

"IM NOT FUCKING ILL! You're such a fucking prick!" Emily raged

"Emily that's enough" Namjoon walked into the living room.

"No, you know what's enough? This" As she circled her finger around the room.

"If you all think I'm that crazy. Go fuck yourselves" as she stormed down the hall, slamming her bedroom door, the boys stood there open-mouthed.

"What the fuck is going on?" Yoongi opened his door, with bleary eyes he had been woken up by the argument.


Emily slammed her suitcase on the bed, shoving as many things as possible inside. Booking a hotel on her phone, and texting Choi to see if he could pick her up.

She slammed the lid closed, ripping her door open, storming passed the boys.

"I'm going to a hotel, don't fucking follow me, Choi and Han know where I am. I'm just want to be by myself. Where no one thinks I'm a fucking lunatic" Emily calmly stated holding the handle of her suitcase.

"Emily, you can't leave, Mattie and Archie are visiting soon. Come on, let's talk about this. hmm?" Yoongi suggested

"I'll call Mattie and let her know exactly where I am, don't do that Yoongs. I don't want to talk I'm too angry. I'll see whoever comes to give me my meds tomorrow. You know to stop me being a crazy bitch" and with that Emily walked out of the door and greeted a concerned Choi.


It had been three days since Emily left and the boys were lost without her. They had contacted Sora but there was nothing he could do, she was taking her meds and showing no signs of an episode and attending her regular sessions.

Only Jimin, Jin and Namjoon had seen her to give her the daily medication she took, and she took it at her door and refused for them to go into her room, or speak to her.

Emily, although terrifying when angry never held a grudge, and they'd never really argued. So this was new territory for them all.

Choi and Han had been discussing Emily's concerns with some of the security team, and after some talk between them all, they decided to watch for any anomalies on the CCTV outside of Big Hit and the dorms. Just to try and put an end to the feud.

Meanwhile, Emily watched English murder mysteries on repeat. She wasn't eating much, and she was asleep most of the time. She was sad, but more than sad, she was hurt. She knew this wasn't the same feeling. She had called Mattie and explained and while her best friend was worried, she also understood why Emily felt so frustrated.

Mattie could see that Emily wasn't acting how she usually did when she was spiralling. Mattie decided to call Namjoon and see if there was more to the story, or if Emily really was having real concerns.

As Namjoon explained, the more Mattie worried, Emily had seen the same person four or five times outside of the dorm, and she swore she saw him in Busan at Christmas. The boys hadn't seen him and assumed it was just her nerves. The boy's security hadn't picked up anything suspicious, and it was obvious Emily's increase in medication was adding to her frustrations.

As they hung up the call, he promised he wouldn't let Emily suffer alone, as Mattie promised she would see him soon.


Sir, I've found this.

He seems to be everywhere she is.

Look this is your bodycam from last week, he was inside the cafe.

This is a bodycam from Busan at Christmas, look closely on the left and he checked out the day before they left.

I've got the car registration we've managed to trace him.

Sir, there's a problem he's..."





Oh no.

Is there a plan?

Ok. I'll talk to them.

Is she ok?


No, no we'll do it"

Namjoon pressed the end call button and sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Guys, Emily was right. Someone has been following her for months. The security team did some digging and found CCTV of him in Busan, and in the cafe, she goes to after her Korean lessons"

"So we've been treating her like she's ill again and she's been right this whole time. We agreed to up her medication, and she's been so frustrated and tired for absolutely no reason at all?" Jimin asked horrified.

"In short, yes" Namjoon sighed.

"But, there's an added complication. The security team traced him, and it turns out the man following her is her..."

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