Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen

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"Iris and Alfie!"


"Mumma said you were big and fat but you just look squishy" Iris smiled cuddling Emily's legs.

"Ever the flatterer, I had babies in my tummy and now they're over there, so I'm still a little squishy"

"Babies?! You had a baby like Mumma had me?"

"Yes, but I had three at once. Lucy, Daisy and Felix"

"But Felix is a boys name"

"Felix is a boy"

"I no like boys they're yucky"

"What about your brother Alfie?"

"That's why I think boys are yucky, him and Dada. Did you know boys have tails where our Minnie is?"

"Oh, Iris you're the cutest little button. I can see I'm going to get my stomach muscles back through laughing"

"Where's Hopa?"

"He's at work, he'll be back soon. Tata is here?"

"No Hopa said he would buy me nugs"

"Chicken nuggets? Did he?"

"Last time I saw him, I was little then"

"And you're a big girl now, as soon as he comes in you remind him" Emily grinned.

"I see baba?" Alfie chattered away, he was so big and the image of Archie.

"Yes, if you go play outside with the dogs we will bring them out with your juice"


"Yes juice and biscuits"

"I day here foweva" he toddled off into the garden.

"Ems he's like you, give him a biscuit and he's yours" Mattie smiled picking up Felix.

"And he's also like you, phewf, Christ what does this kid drink? It's making my eyes water"

"I'm just going outside, the nappy stuffs there" Emily giggled as she walked out behind Yoongi both of them holding babies.

"I'm going to kill you! Argh god, it stinks!" Mattie cried behind them.

"Juice for you, juice for you and beer for you!" Jungkook smiled.

"Can I have Coke?"

"Yep we've restocked the caffeine-free"

"Excellent! I've been having withdrawals"

"We're home!"

"HOPA!" Iris bolted for the door.

"Hey, pretty girl!"

"You said you would buy me nugs!"

"I did?"

"Yes when I last saw you in England, you said we could get nugs and ketchup and cake"

"Well, then would you like to get them delivered and eat them out here?"

"In my pyjamas?"

"Whatever you want"

"Fine, but I'm not sharing my nugs with Alfie. Mummy said I should share but he's got a front tail and he's stinky"

"A front tail ey? Don't worry he will have his own nugs, now don't I get a hug?"

He knelt down and stretched his arms out, and Iris hopped into them, cuddling him tightly as he stood up.

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now