Chapter Twenty Eight

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The next morning Emily woke up, snuggled into Taehyung's chest. He was holding her tightly and his legs were wrapped around hers. She was trapped, then she felt something prodding her lower stomach.

She moved her head looking down

"Holy shit" Emily whispered, her eyes wide.

Mattie was right, that's Taeconda! Shit! Emily wondered about the logistics, how was 'that' going to fit 'there'?

"What're you thinking about baby?" His deep voice jolting Emily from her thoughts.

"Oh, Erm nothing" Emily hid her face in his chest.

"Babygirl are you going to look at me?" He asked as Emily looked up.

"What were you thinking? And tell me the truth"

"Oh just something Mattie said about a stupid fanfiction she read"

"And what did Mattie say exactly?"

"Oh, just something about your erm.. oh god. About your size" Her face was bright red.

"The size of my what? Hmm?" He asked smirking

"Your, oh my god, the size of your cock, she said it was nicknamed Taeconda" Emily hid her face in her hands.

"Oh that. Well baby girl, why don't you feel for yourself?" Taehyung grasped her hand gently, putting it on his now growing bulge.

As Emily felt his cock through his thin pyjamas, it wasn't just huge it was girthy too. Emily wasn't sure if she was terrified or excited. As she gripped it harder and started moving her hand up and down slowly.

He parted his lips, a breathy moan escaping them, as she moved her hand under the waistband of his pyjamas, tugging his now rock hard cock out of them, as she moved her hand up and down the length, running her thumb over the tip which was now beading with pre-cum.

she dipped her head to lick his hardening nipples, taking one in her mouth, sucking it gently. He moaned deeply, throwing his head back, he watched as she dropped down to her knees, taking as much of him in her mouth as she could, he tasted so good, she wanted to suck the release from him.

She bobbed her head, twisting her hand, his thighs started to shake and she reached her free hand up to grasp on to his tightening balls, gently pulling on them, as his release spilt down her throat, hot and salty. She licked her lips, as he offered her a hand helping her up.

He pulled her up, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder, he walked across the room and set her down. Kissing her hard and fast, his hands roaming her body, her hair roughly, as he practically ripped off her pyjamas. He lightly pushed her so she sat on the edge of an armchair that was in the bedroom. He knelt kissing her neck, slowly moving his way down to her nipples, as he sucked one into his mouth, gently running his tongue over the hardened bud.

His hand found the other nipple mimicking the actions of his tongue. Emily threw her head back, she had no doubt she was dripping her arousal onto the chair.

As he made his way down her body kissing, licking, and gently nibbling at her, he lifted each thigh onto his shoulders as his head sunk into her core.

He wasted absolutely no time in attaching his mouth to her clit, he licked it, sucked it and ran his tongue down her dripping folds and back up flicking his tongue over her clit. He didn't tease her, he played to win.

Emily felt his high wash over her quickly as he flicked his tongue almost vibrating over her clit she thrust her hips forward. As she came. Hard.

Just as she had recovered he picked her up, throwing her on the centre of the bed and crawling over her, his erection laying heavily on her thigh

"Can I? Can I fuck you?"

"Oh god, please do!" Emily laughed as she felt himself lining up ready to push in.

As he pushed in, she felt pleasure and it stung, he pushed himself in slowly. Until he bottomed out.

"Oh my god, you feel amazing! So fucking good baby girl, now put your leg on my shoulder" he commanded

As Emily raised her leg, he held onto it and started moving, Emily was sure he was rearranging her organs with each thrust.

"Holy shit!" She moaned as he picked up the pace.

He was hitting the right spot over and over again. Just as Emily thought it couldn't feel any better he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her sensitive clit. She felt like she was in heaven. With a few more hard thrusts Emily came, so hard she squirted, her come spraying out of her, just as Taehyung hit his high, she could feel his hot come inside of her, as his cock pulsed out his release.

Emily loved the feeling of sex. She loved being so close to them, and she loved the feelings they all gave her.

As they both came down from their high. They both lay there covered in sweat and their mixed release. They didn't care. They cuddled, slowly falling back to sleep, snuggled into each other.

The last feeling Emily remembered was Taehyung kissing her forehead and them mumbling

"I love you"

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now